Rubbish bagged up

For those of you lucky enough to live in the Avenues Ward this is old news.

However I thought I’d like to share it with a wider audience. Here’s a copy of a leaflet with the confirmation that any residual issue about the FOHGC working in the Hull General Cemetery has now been resolved.Hull City Council request to the FOHGC

The Council and FOHGC look forward to working in partnership with each other for the foreseeable future. Together we hope to reclaim the site for the community, the wildlife and the history nerd.

We would like to thank the Councillors and the Council Officers for having listened to the arguments, both for and against, on this issue. Having done so they found in favour of the FOHGC. We are happy that they feel they can trust the FOHC and wanted the FOHGC to be their partner in this endeavour.

We would also like to thank the many people who contacted the Councillors and Officers expressing their support for us. To coin a phrase from a somewhat tarnished politician, ‘We are all in it together.’

Let’s all now move forward together.

Here’s the leaflet

Council leaflet

One thought on “FOHGC

  1. It is indeed good news so pleased this has been resolved I would like to thank all who helped bring this about.

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