Next Month

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Next month is Heritage Open Day month. The second week of September is your opportunity to see behind the scenes of some places in Hull and the East Riding that are not often fully open to the public. So grab the chance to do a bit of ‘hands-on history’ while you can.

In between times you may want to have read of one or two articles on here.

Firstly there will be more from Bill Longbone’s excellent pieces from the Facebook Archive. Secondly, Helen Bovill will be providing more of her stunning wildlife photographs.

The longer article will be the first part of the story of a remarkable family who are buried in Hull General Cemetery. ‘The Stathers of Spring Bank’ highlights the story of a two brothers who were the model of Victorian inventiveness. I hope you enjoy it.

Of course, there will be an Anniversary item. This will focus on October 1946 and, strangely, how that anniversary involved me to some extent.

And all the news that can safely be reported will be here. Next Month

See you all next month.

2 thoughts on “Next Month

  1. Look forward to visiting some if I am able, lots to do in September by the look of things. next month 1946 will be interesting my 6th year on this earth!

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