Next Month

Next month is Heritage Open Day month. The second week of September is your opportunity to see behind the scenes of some places in Hull and the East Riding that are not often fully open to the public. So grab the chance to do a bit of ‘hands-on history’ while you can.

In between times you may want to have read of one or two articles on here.

Firstly there will be more from Bill Longbone’s excellent pieces from the Facebook Archive. Secondly, Helen Bovill will be providing more of her stunning wildlife photographs.

The longer article will be the first part of the story of a remarkable family who are buried in Hull General Cemetery. ‘The Stathers of Spring Bank’ highlights the story of a two brothers who were the model of Victorian inventiveness. I hope you enjoy it.

Of course, there will be an Anniversary item. This will focus on October 1946 and, strangely, how that anniversary involved me to some extent.

And all the news that can safely be reported will be here. Next Month

See you all next month.


For those of you lucky enough to live in the Avenues Ward this is old news.

However I thought I’d like to share it with a wider audience. Here’s a copy of a leaflet with the confirmation that any residual issue about the FOHGC working in the Hull General Cemetery has now been resolved.Hull City Council request to the FOHGC

The Council and FOHGC look forward to working in partnership with each other for the foreseeable future. Together we hope to reclaim the site for the community, the wildlife and the history nerd.

We would like to thank the Councillors and the Council Officers for having listened to the arguments, both for and against, on this issue. Having done so they found in favour of the FOHGC. We are happy that they feel they can trust the FOHC and wanted the FOHGC to be their partner in this endeavour.

We would also like to thank the many people who contacted the Councillors and Officers expressing their support for us. To coin a phrase from a somewhat tarnished politician, ‘We are all in it together.’

Let’s all now move forward together.

Here’s the leaflet

Council leaflet

Anniversary September 1868

The anniversary this month is unusual. It shows a more human side to the Hull General Cemetery Company board. I hope you like it.

I’ve often painted the Hull General Cemetery Company as hard-hearted. Grasping capitalists striving to secure whatever gain they can get. And I’m usually right. Which is where an instance where they are seen in a more charitable way should be highlighted. This is one of those times.

Plus ca change

Scattered through the Minute Books of the Company, one finds instances of damage done to the Cemetery grounds. Often these are thefts from graves. No, not bodies, but flowers. Sometimes whole bushes. Or property damage to the fences or cemetery buildings. In 1902 some young boys from the newly opened school in Thoresby Street smashed all of the windows in the Chapel. Well, all of the windows that weren’t already smashed, for the Chapel was already quite run-down.

In September 1868 the Board was informed by Mr Nequest, the superintendent, of further damage. And by a repeat offender.


3.9.1868 Withington HGC minute book

The Withingtons

Before we look at what the Board decided to do let’s take a quick look at John Withington.

He was born in Howden in 1850 and baptised at the Anglican church there. His father, Samuel, had been born in the USA but was a British citizen. He had moved back from the USA at some time. However he is a little difficult to track down.


Withington baptism record

Family research? Who needs it?

His mother too, Mary Jane Cramp is also elusive. In the marriage register she states that she is ‘of this parish’, meaning Holy Trinity, Hull. In the census of 1851 she states that she was born there. However there is no record of this.

Their daughter Emma, is stated to have been born in Hull. This may be true. However she was baptised in Keighley. So we can see that things aren’t quite straightforward. Welcome to family history research.

Withington marriage 1835


Samuel and Mary Jane’s marriage took place in 1835 as may be seen above. By the time of the 1851 census, 10 months after John Charles is born they live in Howden.

1851 Howden


Withington 1851 census


Samuel is the clerk, come station master, of Howden station. By the 1861 census Samuel has moved his family to Hull. They now live in Pearson Street, a nice neighbourhood. Samuel is a coal merchant dealer and appears to be making a good living at it.

1861 Hull


Withington 1861 census a

Withington 1861 census b


By the 1861 census above Emma is no longer in the household and there is an Emma Withington living as a servant to a share broker in Chorlton, Manchester. This, incidentally, is a possible site for Samuel in the 1841 census but our focus is drifting a little here. More interestingly is the arrival of grandson which may explain Emma’s disappearance. One must keep up appearances, especially in a good street.

As we know in September 1868 John Charles, who would have been aged 17, was apprehended stealing from the Cemetery. By the time of the 1871 census, which invited further information from the public, we can perhaps catch a glimpse of why.

1871 and the reason why


Withington 1871 census


John Charles’s name is above. The final column notes ‘Invalid from epilepsy’. Was it this that lead to his behaviour? Thefts that appeared to have no reason behind them. What on earth would he want the Cemetery notice board for?

Madness in all its forms

Epilepsy. ‘Touched by God’. A gentle way of speaking about this disease. Yet epileptics were also viewed as imbeciles, idiots, lunatics and, more obviously, problems. Lord Shaftesbury, the great philanthropist, saviour of the poor climbing boy of chimney sweep lore, had an epileptic son.  He voiced, with sorrow and disdain,  the general opinion of the public shown towards epileptics.

Epileptic fits are treated like madness, and madness constitutes a right, as it were, to treat people as vermin.

This usually meant confinement in an asylum where, because of the nature of the disease in that it was not curable, was for the long term.

As a young man I worked in an institution with people with learning difficulties. Their behaviour was portrayed as ‘challenging.’ That word covers quite a few things, none of them pleasant.

How would someone cope in that environment who only had epileptic fits occasionally?  What would be the end result of that incarceration? How long could that person’s sanity remain?

That the Withington family kept their son at home shows great love and courage. That the Cemetery Company showed some insight into the family’s issues is even more incredible.

The Cemetery Company shows its heart

The Board decided that they would not press any charges against the boy. Instead the Board communicated with the boy’s father. They said that if the father,


3.9.1868 Withington 2


The family must have maintained this promise for he does not feature again in the Cemetery’s books. However, this may be due to the fact that John died in 1874. A shortened life was often the fate of epileptics.

John’s death

John Withington's death cert

A weight was probably lifted from the minds of his parents with his death. The worry of what would happen to their son after their deaths would have weighed heavy. I wonder if their grief was assuaged in any way by that thought? I doubt it.

John was buried in Hull General Cemetery in  a family grave. He was the first occupant. By the time it was filled it contained his father, mother and a younger brother. The stone was removed in the 1970s.

A rather sad anniversary item. Sorry

Anniversary August 1907


The Quaker burial ground

Activities in Hull General Cemetery during August.

Most of the work in the cemetery during August was taken up with upgrading of the Quaker Burial Ground. This work was undertaken on behalf of the Quaker’s Committee.

The Matthew Good Foundation kindly donated £1,000.This was used for the purchase of trees, plants and materials to carry out the work.

The broken perimeter hedge/fence was repaired and new defensive planting installed. This was done to form just 2 entrances/exits. The privet was given a light trim.

Quaker stones in QBG

A kerb and limestone chippings were placed around the 7 stones that originated in the Hodgson St and Owstwick Burial Grounds. This provides a great focal point for these historically important stones. The Quaker’s are looking to provide an information board to explain the origin of the stones. There already is a board explaining the presence of the Quaker burial ground.

The dilapidated headstone of  Joseph Heward, the first Quaker burial in the cemetery, was re-laid and straightened. Several other fallen kerb stones were straightened. Moss was carefully removed from the lettering on the headstones to enable them to be more easily read.

bench in QBG

A ‘Rest and Contemplation’ bench was erected in the SW corner. This was formed from a large sycamore branch that fell near the cholera monument a year or so ago.

Other fallen branches were chipped and laid as a path leading from the 2 entrances to the new bench.

New planting

The laurel bushes were pruned back to give a more formal appearance. Several shrubs and plants were planted to complement the existing plants. These including Fatsia Japonica, Choisya, Euonymus, Agapanthus and ornamental grasses.

A thousand spring bulbs have been ordered for planting in Autumn.  These include wild garlic, English bluebells, snowdrops, crocus and daffodils. Hopefully these will provide a riot of colour in the spring.

A specimen laburnum was also planted to provide early summer colour after the bulbs have finished their display.

A shallow watering dish was placed in a shady area of the burial ground. This will provide a water source for birds and small mammals.

A short, on-site, talk about the Quakers in Hull and the work of the Friends of Hull General Cemetery, was given by the Quakers on the afternoon of Saturday 21st August.

The volunteers gave a guided tour around the cemetery to the U3A, AWAKE history group during August, generating £36.00 in donations.