On 24th February I met Andy a representative from the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust to show him around the Hull General Cemetery. He offered some suggestions which he believed would enhance the cemetery and improve the diversity of wildlife.
- Create a woodland glade where wildflower seeds can be sown. This will attract insects, bees, butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies. A couple of potential areas were identified which had plenty of natural light (See main photograph).
- Restrict access to some of the lesser used paths. Use barrier plants or woven natural fences of branches. This would create larger, quieter spaces for wildlife habitat.
- Replace some of the non-native shrubs with native species. Remove all rhododendron before it takes over.
- Pollard the holly to encourage a thicker base and better screening.
- Plant native honeysuckle and only plant/sow native flowers.
- Install two Tawny Owl boxes.
- Extend area of brambles on workhouse mound.
- Speak to the Council about free delivery of wood-chippings.
- Do not to cut fallen trees into short pieces. Keep as much of their length of possible/practical.
Andy said he had never visited the Hull General Cemetery (HGC) before and admitted later that he was sceptical about what he would see. I am delighted to tell you that he was very impressed with the site. He liked the wood-chip paths, our installation of bat and bird boxes, and the lack of litter. He was delighted to hear that we had Pipistrelles (bats) visit HCG. As a bonus we also saw a number of birds including a Goldcrest during our walk around the cemetery. This was an excellent visit. We hope to build upon our relationship with the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust for the future.
Karen Towner, Wildlife Liaison Officer.
Wonderful help from Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, nature can work wonders to many areas and a cemetery is one when it is revealing so much history of people and the creatures that live within it.