National Federation of Cemetery Friends

Here’s the latest newsletter from the National Federation of Cemetery Friends. It has a piece about the recent work that the volunteers have been doing in the cemetery. It also shows a selection of other similar groups around the country who are attempting the same things that the FOHGC are doing.

It’s a long uphill struggle as we all know but I’m sure you’ll feel happier knowing that we are part of a bigger movement. the National Federation of Cemetery Friends are the umbrella groups for such groups and of course the FOHGC is a member of it.

For too long our cemetery heritage has been allowed to be cast aside. The history of the site in terms of the city’s heritage goes without saying. The monuments are some of the best artwork that you can see outside of an art gallery. Resting in what is probably the closest you can probably get to an urban woodland it is an enchanting place to spend some time

Why don’t you do that?

And when you’ve finished here’s the link to the NFCF.

Rear of the Princes Ave shops' path

Nature versus Nurture

Yes I know the phrase ‘Nature versus Nurture’ is not usually used in this context. Going back in time I seem to remember it being a common phrase that was used in late 19th century American Literature when I was studying for my first degree. Going forward I came across it in my work when I was a social worker. It related to children’s upbringing and the environmental factors that could affect it. Here I’m afraid I’m using it to describe the tensions that erupt when changes occur within Hull General Cemetery. Nature versus nurture? Let’s have a look.


About two years ago Bill and myself were, as usual, going round the site picking up the litter. Plastic bottles, empty beer cans, sweet and crisp wrappers and more unpleasant things were our lot. During this task we always made a point of saying hello to the visitors to the site. This day a young chap responded to our greeting. He said it was great what we were doing and he supported re-wilding. I remember we both looked at each other, then at the litter in our bags, and smiled and nodded.

The young man was busy and rushed away but I would have liked to discuss this idea further. Re-wilding was probably quite far from the ideas Bill and I had for the cemetery. I think we thought it was pretty ‘wild’ in there as it was and that’s why we averaged 5 or 6 bags of litter every two days. You see, ‘wild’ in this context meant uncared for and not maintained.

From that premise, judging by the debris we collected, it was also fine to drop your litter in it. It was also the perfect place to leave your unwanted mattress, your stolen bicycle, your excess kitchen sink and your empty calor gas bottles. This isn’t mentioning the used Durex, human excreta still plastered on toilet paper, used sanitary towels and nappies, maggot ridden food and the ubiquitous hypodermic needle. Yes, it was pretty wild. Nature versus nurture? I don’t think either was winning at that time.

Rubbish at the back of the shops

No! Not that kind of wild

Ah, but of course the young man was speaking about a natural re-wilding. You know the kind. Planting of willows and alder to drain boggy areas, allowing other areas to become wetlands, planting species that are native and rooting out the invasive non-native ones. It can also include the re-introduction of vanished species. Otters and beavers are thriving in some parts of the country after being re-introduced and the population of the Red Kite and Golden Eagle are also on the rise. Someone recently suggested the re-introduction of the Grey Wolf but the farming industry would probably resist that.

It sounds great. In the HGC there are a couple of points against this. One, the historical point, I’ll deal with in another post called Re-wilding. The other point is that, at least to my mind, ‘re-wilding’ is not simply planting lots of trees, shrubs etc and then expecting it to prosper. We’ve just come through an age of austerity when council funding for such schemes is low. Again I’ll touch on this more later. No, re-wilding is a lot more complex than just getting your spade out.

Whose job is it anyway?

The overriding problem of a re-wilding project, at least to my mind, is the continual maintenance of the project. This maintenance is necessary to keep it in perfect health. I’ve seen many photographs of schemes where people from the communities, schools, etc get really involved in the initial stages of the scheme i.e. the physical work of the planting. And after that ballyhoo, what then?

Well, if they are organised they will have some plan as to how it will be cared for after the ballyhoo dies down and the community goes back to getting on with its life. You see, like any garden or woodland, it needs to be maintained. That’s where the dedication, and the true costs of the scheme come to bear. Because it’s a lot harder work to keep looking after something than to simply start it up. And I’m quite sure that when that young man was talking about re-wilding he wasn’t thinking about the long term work and running costs to maintain the re-wilding scheme. It was less nature versus nurture than simply nature pure and simple.

As we all know, when it comes to complex problems, you should never, ever, go for the simple solution because it really doesn’t work. Just think about the difference between voting for Brexit, and what it actually turned out to be, to see how a simple solution can cause you more problems. Problems you had no idea were there. Complex problems need a lot of thought and a lot of work to solve them.

No, it’s the Council’s job isn’t it?

Council funding. In a talk I had with an elected councillor and a council officer a couple of years ago I was told the full extent of the budget for Hull General Cemetery. The officer held up his index finger and thumb. He made a circle with those two digits and said, ‘that’s how much the budget is for HGC’. He went on to say that any work that needed to be done in there came from other budgets which obviously made it popular with the other budget holders. This has been the case since the 2010 election.

All in it together

You surely must remember that? David Cameron and George Osbourne telling us we had to tighten our belts and that, ‘we were all in this together’. Well, some of us were more ‘in this’ than others as it turned out.

Large urban centres, especially in the north, suffered drastic cuts to their budgets. In Hull the council funding was cut by about half. As the Hull Daily Mail reported in 2019, ‘Hull City Council has seen £131 million pounds worth of core funding removed since 2010.’ It went on to say that, ‘with the authority’s budget for day-to-day services being more than halved in that period.’ So, now you can see where that HGC budget came from.

Let’s face it, who can seriously argue against that Council decision? Surely the care of young children, the elderly, the rough sleepers, and the people who have fallen through the cracks that central government widened by their savage cuts should come before the interests of a derelict cemetery. I mean Food Banks for the employed. How can that be right? So, yes, Hull City Council has to step in but with less cash to spend. Good call Hull City Council, spend your money where it’s most needed.

But it was always like this, wasn’t it?

One of the refrains that is often heard, especially recently, is that the FOHGC are ‘destroying’ the natural habitats of the the wildlife. That we should leave it as it is. This usually comes from people who want HGC to look like how they first encountered it. It’s a very human reaction. None of us like change especially as we grow older. We cling to familiar things, probably as a valediction that we still exist. I’m just the same but maybe my memories of HGC go back a little further than some.

Back to the future

This photograph was taken in 1977 just as the redevelopment was taking place. The chap on the left is about where the pelican crossing is now and the other chap is waiting at the bus stop. Note the large amount of headstones that were all removed. The infamous Blue Container was sited just behind where the gent waiting for the bus is stood. And, on a less pleasant note, I buried a dead dog, killed in a road accident and left in the gutter, in 1979 under that laurel bush to his left. My memories of HGC go deep. At least a metre.

HGC 1977

I remember walking past there in the 1950s. Holding my mother’s hand because it was a creepy place. We were visiting my recently deceased maternal grandmother’s grave in Western Cemetery. She was buried not far from the Workhouse portion of HGC. In those days there was a wicket gate at the end of the fence of HGC but we couldn’t use it because the HGC was fenced off from Western Cemetery and we had to walk all the way round to the Chanterlands Avenue entrance. My grandmother died in 1956 and my little legs were tired.

When I walked past HGC on the way to Hull Fair it was different story of course. My little legs were full of beans but I still held my mum’s hand passing it because it was even more scary at night!

Heady Youth

In the 60s it was a fantastic place to play truant. No police or ‘board man’ would ever catch you in there. In the late 60s and early 70s it was a great place to take acid and look for places where you could grow marihuana…. or so I’m told (added on legal advice). By 1974 I was a gravedigger and my first foreman, Frank Coulson, was the last gravedigger that HGC employed in the 1940s. In 1976 I followed the debate around the cemetery which you’ll find fully described in ‘A Momentous Meeting’ on this website next week.


By 1977 I was a shop steward and took an active interest in the safety of the workers in HGC and in 1978, with the introduction of the Health and Safety Act of 1974 finally, I was now the safety representative for the workers in HGC. Unfortunately, the wholesale destruction was now over, and the small gang left in there were planting shrubs on the perimeter of the site next to Spring Bank West. By 1979 I transferred to Western Cemetery and the work force in HGC were disbanded. Any work to be done in there fell to the staff of Western.

Family times

In 1981 I went to university but my involvement in HGC was now more family based. My two boys learnt to ride their bicycles in there. Much safer than on the roads. We had picnics with other families in there. Impromptu cricket games between numerous families were played on the grassy parts. Dogs were walked. Benches were placed in there.

By the beginning of the millennium my involvement lessened. Our dog had died and we have never ever thought that we could replace him. The kids had left Hull for other parts. We walked in there less and less, seeing it become less managed. And more worrying to be honest. This could have been the end of my relationship with HGC.

It wasn’t, but that’s another story. The point of the above is that I have seen HGC in many guises. It has changed many times in my lifetime and will again I’m sure. I try not to see change as a problem but rather as a natural development for us all. After all I’m not the lad I was when I worked in there back in 70s. A little thing called aging has changed me. I can’t do a thing about it. I have to accept those changes. Change is the only constant in the entire universe and those who fail to grasp that are doomed to disappointment.

More immediate angst

And so we come to the recent refrains about some of the work the FOHGC have done recently. They seem to centre on the fact that what they felt was constant was not. That a dense thicket of blackberries along the back of the shops was ‘always there’ and therefore was immovable. In some sense their argument seems to not grasp that nature itself changes but we’ll leave that one.

The Rear of the Princes Avenue Shops in 1996

Here’s the area in question in 1996. You may notice a complete absence of blackberry bushes. You may also notice that the grass was cut. The absence of litter should also hold your attention.

Rubbish bagged up

Here is a recent picture of the same scene from a different standpoint with a collection of rubbish picked up before the work started. Is this the bedrock upon which the ‘naturalists’ base their arguments upon? This is the end result of blackberry bushes being allowed to grow without management. How natural!

No. That’s not what I meant

I’m sure that’s what the cry will be. And I’m equally as sure that the cry is heartfelt. But the reality is clear. To achieve having a thriving natural habitat it needs a degree of management. And sometimes that management has to be severe. It needs the rubbish that has accumulated to be cleared. To clear that rubbish it needs a degree of cut back. And that cutback leaves debris that then has to be cleared.

I spoke with one of the people who criticise this kind of management just last year, before Covid struck. He put forward a plan of annual staggered clearances based upon an area by area approach. I thought the plan had merit. It worked within the limits that the volunteer group could achieve. It also would allow regeneration on a scale that should allow the wildlife to recover. Both of us thought, looking at the size of HGC, that it would probably be a plan for between seven to ten years to cover the entire site. At the end of that cycle we could begin again at the first area and this approach would be less disruptive to the wildlife. I told him that the volunteers had earmarked the area behind the rear of the properties on Princes Avenue for this kind of work, and perhaps this could be the first area that could fit into his plan. He thought this was a good idea and readily agreed.

The pandemic has changed us all, of that there is no doubt. But I’m struck by the fact that the proposer of a plan is now being critical of his own plan. It just goes to shows how insidious the virus must be. Well, that’s the only valid and rational reason I can see for someone morphing from a cheerleader for a project to being an outspoken protestor against it.

A rare sighting of the armchair naturalist

If anyone really thinks that cutting back the blackberry bushes has killed them and that they won’t return then they should take time out to do some research. They will, of course, regrow but without the human filth all about them. How can that be seen as bad?

No, I’m afraid that fundamentally we have here the sad tale of people frightened of change. And of course I have yet to see any of these ‘armchair naturalists’ actually in HGC scraping the excrement off their gloves whilst trying not vomit and crying, ‘Gee, isn’t nature wonderful?’

The motto of all of this should be that it is not nature versus nurture at all. It should be that nature needs nurturing. Instead of carping, why not lend a hand?


Visit to the site

Visit to the site

On the 14th December Council officers paid a visit to the site. Jennifer Woollin, a City Council Ecologist and Adam McArthur, an Open Spaces Development Officer. They said that they were responding to a complaint. Both of them were initially taken aback at how clear the area behind the shops on Princes Avenue was now. They said they had not visited the site for over a year and, it is beginning to look a little different in there now.

Rear of the Princes Ave shops' path

The volunteers were advised by Adam about the planning permission needed to cutback within a conservation area. He was satisfied that the volunteers were working within those restrictions.

The wild corner

They were informed that no work was to be undertaken in the far north corner of the site. This is, at present, a large area of blackberry bushes. Below is an photograph of it in 1996. The officers were pleased with this decision. Two ash trees close by are to be felled by the Council after Xmas they said. This was due to resident complaints.

The INCA report of 2010 was discussed.

Bill Longbone said that the volunteers would like to place a wildlife pond but the idea had been discouraged. This was due to the potential health and safety issues. Jennifer thought it was a good idea and advised that a formal application should be made.

North Corner HGC 1996

Guided walk

The volunteers gave the representatives a guided walk around the cemetery, and they were genuinely impressed with the improvements that the volunteers had undertaken. We identified the problems with the muddy paths, and that we were continually spreading chippings to keep the paths passable. Andy stated that he would arrange for the council to deliver chippings to the site. This would allow the volunteers to spread them. This would save the volunteers time in chipping.

The officers were shown the ‘butterfly area and plaque, the hawthorn/buckthorn plantings, plaque and owl boxes. All of which were well received by the officers.

Agree with YWT

Both Jenny & Adam suggested that we should remove ivy from headstones and ‘specimen’ trees, but should generally leave it on other trees. They also recommended that much of the ground ivy, and sycamore saplings be cut back. This would encourage light and the diversity of plants and wildlife. They were in agreement with the recommendation of the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust that we should create open glade areas to let in light.

We advised that the Friends had done a provisional tree survey in the cemetery, and of our ambition to plot these on a GPS digital map. Adam confirmed that he had such a map, and would undertake a detailed survey of the trees.


In summary, what could have been a tense meeting turned out very well. The officers were pleased with what the Friends were doing. They were satisfied that we were ‘environmentally and ecologically aware’. The officers offered their help and assistance in obtaining advice on planting and encouraged us to apply for ‘planting grants’ from the council. They also said to submit the proposal for the pond with their support.

In conclusion, Jennifer Woollin said, “One of the visions for the management plan and this city is the designation of additional Local Nature Reserves. General Cemetery has always been on my radar and the FOGC are clearly establishing well and community involvement is essential.”

FOHGC Successful

FOHGC Successful

Once again the work that the Friends of Hull General Cemetery are doing in the cemetery has been recognised locally. KCOM hold a competition every year. They allocate an amount of money for good causes. KCOM ask the causes to send them a description of what work they are doing. They also ask  what they would use the money for if they won. After that, just like Strictly, it goes to the public vote.

I’m sure you’ll be glad to know that the FOHGC was successful and was one of the winners this year. The grant, for £540, was given for, ‘Transforming the cemetery into a welcoming space for visitors and a haven for nature.’

The Brief

The brief, provided by Bill Longbone to the judges at KCOM, was,

‘We are a local group of volunteers who have taken the challenge to reclaim the disused and overgrown Victorian Cemetery which, over the years, had become a place for fly-tipping and rubbish dumping and has attracted much anti-social behaviour, including drug dealing, prostitution and drinking dens.

It is our aim to turn the cemetery into an area that will benefit the local community, improve the neighbourhood and create a unique asset for our city. This is to be achieved by clearing the cemetery of rubbish, fallen tree branches and invasive ground cover thus encouraging a diversity of plants, insects and wildlife.

We wish to promote educational research, a healthy relaxing environment and encourage leisure activities such as painting, photography, mindfulness classes in the cemetery and engage with local people and businesses.

To date we have created a circular pathway around the cemetery, installed over 20 litter bins along the pathways, created a Workhouse Memorial Area, a wildflower meadow, a butterfly walk, made and installed over 40 bird boxes, two owl boxes, several bat boxes and six hedgehog boxes to encourage wildlife. We have also planted over a 1000 daffodil bulbs along the Spring Bank West frontage. We also clean and maintain graves, including the Commonwealth War Graves and headstones, and research the people buried in the cemetery.

We are currently reclaiming the two acre section of the cemetery that backs onto the Princes Avenue shops, which over recent areas had become badly overgrown. It is our intention to create a wildlife pond in this area which will attract many species, such as toads, frogs, newts as well as many water-loving insects that do not currently inhabit the cemetery because of the lack of water.’


Once again, its much appreciated that the work the dedicated, small team of volunteers are doing should be recognised more widely in the city. We thank KCOM for their support, and of course the general public who voted for us. That the FOHGC were successful in this just boosts the confidence of all of us connected with this project.


National Federation of Cemetery Friends


The National Federation of Cemetery Friends (NFCF) is a national grouping. It was set up in 1986 to ‘promote the understanding and appreciation of cemeteries and actively to encourage their preservation and conservation.’ The FOHGC joined the National Federation of Cemetery Friends in 2018 as an associate member.

The NFCF sent an email in which it wondered how such groups as ours were responding to the Covid-19 crisis. They requested any information that could be shared within their national newsletter. So we decided to share with them how the Friends of Hull General Cemetery were and are dealing with the pandemic.

The core of volunteers working in Hull General Cemetery is small, and the area to be reclaimed is large, so social distancing was never a problem. We’re sure the same is true for all groups similar to ours.

The Shops

An area that had been earmarked for reclamation from the neglect of the last 30 years or so was sited at the back of a line of shops. These shops front onto a popular shopping district called Princes Avenue. The land that the shops occupied had originally been part of the Cemetery. The Cemetery Company had sold it off in 1907. It had realised that, with the expansion of Hull, the rural lane of Newland Tofts Lane had now become a much more salubrious area including the Avenues. As such this land could be sold to help with the Company’s cash flow problems.

The shops have had numerous occupants over the years.  Now the area is second only to the city centre for its bars, cafes and restaurants. A boon for the café culture but such enterprises often come with a surfeit of rubbish. Unfortunately, some of that ends up in the cemetery by design or accident.

The other problem issue with this area is the sycamore seedlings that have occupied any vacant space over the last 20 years or so. That coupled with rampant ivy growth and the ubiquitous blackberry bushes gives the reader a flavour of the area. The piled-up rubbish is just the icing on the cake.

The Friends knew that they could only take on this area during the period when birds were not nesting and laying their eggs. Effectively, at least in our area, this period is the middle of October to the beginning of February.

The Task in Hand

To gain an appreciation of the work to be done here’s a ‘Before’ photograph taken in 1993 and a ‘During’ one taken last week. The same building is in the background to both of these photographs. As you can see the theory of ‘managed neglect’, espoused by some, was not a success.

The Rear of the Princes Avenue Shops in 1996

The Same View Today


During the period of the first lock down, the volunteers continued with their efforts to reclaim the paths of the cemetery. This was achieved mainly through the use of the chipping machine. This machine was bought through the aid of a grant from a local charity. The copious wood cuttings are now turned into chippings. These could be spread onto the paths and allow more access to the site by the public including enhancing disabled access.

Turning Dead Wood into Chippings

A bulb planting exercise in August and September took place. This appeared to attract more volunteers as the task was undertaken by the side of a very busy roadside.

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Upon the advice of the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, two areas were earmarked for the creation of wild flower meadows to attract invertebrates, especially moths and butterflies. These areas were cleared in early October. Part of the cemetery ground that contained over 10,000 workhouse burials was also cleared  A granite memorial was purchased. Inscribed with a suitable inscription, it commemorates the unfortunate people buried there. These people were buried there and were denied any token of remembrance at their burials. Further planting of native trees and shrubs was also undertaken in this area.

By the time Hull had achieved (?) Tier Two level, and just prior to the second national lockdown, the work outlined above to the area behind the Princes Avenue began in earnest. It still continues and will until it has to halt for the birds beginning their nesting again. 

Here are two images that show what can be done. They are a ‘before’ and an ‘after’ of the burial place of John Gravill, a listed monument with Historic England. John Gravill, died on December 26th 1866, whilst his whaler was entombed in ice in the Davis strait.

The Gravill Tomb 2015

His body was brought back for burial in Hull. His funeral was attended by over 20,000 people. This figure was probably about a third of the entire population of the town at that time.

Gravill cleared 2020

Now, I sent some of these photographs along to the National Federation of Cemetery Friends, along with some text and they replied saying that this was ideal and that it would be included in their next national newsletter. So, the work that the volunteers are doing will be seen on a much wider platform. In a sense it’s putting Hull General Cemetery on the national map, and for that all of us who care about the cemetery should be extremely grateful. Thank you Bill and all of his merry helpers.



The Hull Hub

The Hull Hub

Some of you may remember that a local periodical (The Hull Hub)published an article about the work that the FOHGC were doing last year in its September 2019 edition. They also bravely put a photograph of Bill Longbone, Russ Moor and myself in their pages. I have no idea how that affected their advertisers but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t positive! What on earth were they thinking?

Bill, Russ and Pete at the Gates in 2019
Bill, Russ and Pete at the Gates in 2019

Suffice to say that they haven’t learnt from that. I contacted them last week and sent them some images and text about the activities that the FOHGC were carrying out now and what they had done during the last year. I titled the piece, ‘Pandemic? What Pandemic’. I received an email back almost immediately saying, ‘great’ and that they would definitely use it for their next edition.

So, the activities of the FOHGC will once again grace their pages. And quite rightly too. The work that the volunteers have produced this year has been phenomenal and it should be widely celebrated. From path restoration to bulb planting; from creating areas that will become wild flower meadows to erecting a memorial to the people buried in the workhouse section of the Cemetery, the work has been excellent, and in the teeth of a pandemic. Well done all of you, and you know who you are.

I’m reliably informed that the Hull Hub article will be going to print next week. Not being familiar with the print schedules of the Hull Hub I’m guessing that  it may be in the December or January edition. Look out for it but try to keep it away from people of a delicate or sensitive nature. The image above should be testament to that advice. You have been warned!

The Council Applauds the Work of the Volunteers

The Council And The Volunteers

Its always nice when your efforts are recognised. Even better when its unexpected. Here’s the draft of an email sent on the 17/11/2020 from the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator of the area in which the cemetery sits, Mike Tindall.

“You have all really done a magnificent job, this sort of work was highly unlikely to have been undertaken anytime soon by HCC for a host of reasons but the work you volunteers have undertaken has been great, the improvement in the Cemetery has been significant and we cant thank you enough really for the help you have provided.”

To add to the delight that such an effusive comment brings, it actually did get better. Mike’s boss, Andrew Wilson, followed up Mike’s email with this,

“Totally agree with Mike’s comments, well done it is very much appreciated. I will contact our cleansing team to have the bags picked up later in
the week. Regards Andrew”

In the thick of it.

So, perhaps, it can be finally said what we, at the FOHGC, always believed. Working in cooperation with the local authority can achieve much more than constantly moaning to the council about what they haven’t done and creating bad feeling between the groups.  It’s a much more positive attitude to work together, to know what the Council can do with a bit of help from community groups. It creates a trust and a belief in both sides that together we can overcome the problems in reclaiming  the cemetery for the community.

As an ex-Prime Minister once said about his imposed austerity programme, “We’re all in this together”. Well, here’s some solid evidence of that idea being put into practice and how it can bear fruit.

Just remind me again, how did that austerity programme go, Mr Cameron?

Bill finds something nasty in the woodland.

Bill finds something nasty in the woodland.

The Butterfly

A Granite Plaque

Today (24 / 11 / 2020) Friends of Hull General Cemetery volunteers Bill, Jo, and Jeanne installed a Granite plaque in the pre-formed recess located at what is now the rear wall of Thoresby Street School which backs on to the cemetery. It is thought the wall was originally part of the old Alexandra Laundry. The immediate area has also been planted with butterfly-loving plants. The plaque includes a verse from Hans Christian Andersen’s short story ‘The Butterfly’. Hopefully this delightful plaque will become an attraction for the children of Thoresby Street school and surrounding areas.

Odlings Memorial Masons

The butterfly plaque was provided at cost by Odlings Memorial Masons based in New Cleveland St. We would like to offer our many thanks to the company and their staff, particularly Steve and Nikki who gave up the own time to make the plaque, also to staff member Roger Noble who gave a generous donation to ‘The Friends’.