Cemetery Wildlife – July 2024

Considering July is in the middle of summer, the weather has not fully reflected that.  There have been several cool, dull and rainy days, especially at the start of the month.  So we still had some muddy footpaths, even in July.  Only a few odd days here and there were hot and sunny, and the insect branch of the cemetery wildlife has not been as abundant as expected.



I saw worryingly few butterflies this month, so I was very happy to see a Comma (pictured above) on one of those hot sunny days.  I also saw Speckled Woods in several different places in the cemetery.  This one was in the Quaker Burial Ground. This is the only species where I saw more than one at the same time – I counted four of them that day.

A brown Speckled Wood butterfly on the thin green leaves of Crocosmia
Speckled Wood

The only other butterflies I saw in July were Large White and Holly Blue.  This makes a total of four different species, compared to the seven different species I saw in July 2023.  Members of other butterfly watching forums around the country have reported a similar lack of butterflies in general, so it isn’t just the cemetery that’s affected.

Butterfly Conservation is currently carrying out its annual Big Butterfly Count.  It ends on 4 August so if you’d like to take part, there’s a link at the end of this report.

Other Insects

I saw this hoverfly – a Globetail of some sort.  This one is a female, as there’s a gap between the eyes at the top of the head.  Only the male has the distinctive globular tail.  I’d never noticed these before, but they are rather small and easy to miss.

A Small Globetail hoverfly on a yellow flower in the cemetery
Globetail hoverfly (female)

I actually saw more different species of hoverflies than butterflies this month.

Four photos showing different species of hoverfly in the cemetery
Top – Marmalade Hoverfly (left); Common Flower Fly (right). Bottom – Sun Fly (also known as the Footballer Hoverfly, left); Hornet Mimic Hoverfly (right).

The Tansy is now in flower on the grass verge alongside the cemetery on Spring Bank West, and on it I saw this tiny bee.  It could be a type of cellophane bee – they’re very difficult to identify.

I also saw a dragonfly in the cemetery one morning.  It was quite distant and didn’t stop for me to identify it properly or get a photo.  It looked quite large though.

A small bee on some yellow Tansy flowers
Cellophane Bee on Tansy

But generally I saw very few bees this month and very few ladybirds and other small insects.



As is typical in Summer, a lot of the taller spring plants such as Hogweed and Cow Parsley have now died back.  The cemetery can look rather tired in places, but this is quite normal.  It has generated plenty of seeds for the cemetery wildlife to eat, so there is always a positive way of looking at this!  The dried stems, left untouched on the ground, make excellent nest material too, forming the basis of many of the nests we check during our annual bird box survey.

Dried up Hogweed seed head in the cemetery

I noticed a few more Ragwort plants in flower on the verge alongside the cemetery.  It’s a very good food source for the tiny branch of the cemetery wildlife – I found several Thick-legged flower beetles on this plant.  The Wild Basil is also in flower on the verge.

The yellow flowers of the Ragwort
Ragwort (above)
The pink flowers of Wild Basil
Wild Basil

I’m always looking for plants I haven’t noticed before, and I found some Figwort at the eastern end of the cemetery.

Figwort growing at the eastern end of the cemetery

Growing nearby was Enchanter’s-Nightshade – I saw quite a lot of this throughout the cemetery.  It’s a plant that grows well in shade.

The tiny white flowers of Enchanter's-Nightshade

Willowherb is a very common species of wildflower and will grow just about anywhere.  I found two species in the cemetery this month – Broad-leaved Willowherb and Great Willowherb.

Two photos showing Broad-leaved Willowherb and Great Willowherb
Broad-leaved Willowherb (left) and Great Willowherb (right)

There’s a patch of Cuckoo-Pint in the cemetery, and I found most of the leaves had died back, leaving these unripe berries.  They should turn orange or red eventually.  This plant has many common names, such as Lords-and-Ladies.

The green, unripe seeds of the Cuckoo-pint plant growing in the cemetery
Cuckoo-pint or Lords and Ladies


I also noticed two of the cemetery’s Horse Chestnut trees have some unripe fruits on them.  This doesn’t seem to happen every year, so hopefully they will ripen and we’ll have some “conkers” in autumn!

Two Horse Chestnut fruits, or "conkers"
Horse Chestnut

And at the bottom of one of the other trees in the cemetery, I found this small cluster of Fairy Inkcap mushrooms.  Another source of food for the cemetery wildlife.

A cluster of tiny Fairy Inkcap mushrooms at the base of a tree in the cemetery
Fairy Inkcaps


I don’t have anything unusual to report – all the regulars were present such as Blue Tits, Great Tits, a couple of Coal Tits, Robins, Wrens, Goldfinches, Blackbirds, Crows and Magpies. I also got a few quick glimpses of a male and a female Bullfinch.  There’s a good population of Chaffinches spread throughout the cemetery.  I also heard a Tawny Owl calling on several occasions.

A male Chaffinch in a tree in the cemetery
Chaffinch (male)

I also saw a Dunnock – I don’t see them every month as they blend in so well with their surroundings.

A Dunnock (similar to a Sparrow) in the cemetery

A Blackcap kept me entertained for a few minutes one morning – they have a beautiful (and loud) song.

A male Blackcap singing in a tree in the cemetery
Blackcap (male)

Wood Pigeons are the commonest of the larger birds.  They can be heard noisily crashing through the branches high up in the trees.

A Wood Pigeon in a tree in the cemetery
Wood Pigeon


I don’t often mention the mammalian branch of the cemetery wildlife simply because, with the exception of the squirrels, I don’t usually see it.  So I’m happy to share these photos of a beautiful fox, courtesy of fellow volunteer Karen Towner.

This is a female, or vixen, and from the first photo it looks like she’s recently given birth.  These photos actually date back to March but I decided not to share them at the time in order to give her the chance to raise her cubs without being disturbed.  I think it’s fantastic that foxes find the cemetery a safe place to live.  We always aim to manage the cemetery for wildlife as well as heritage and this is a good indication that we are managing to do just that.

A Fox in the cemetery

a Fox in the cemetery


July was a quiet month in terms of the overall amount of cemetery wildlife that I saw.  It started off cool and wet.  But the month ended with some warmer, sunnier days and some almost dry footpaths. Let’s hope this continues into August.

A squirrel in a tree
Your squirrel of the month. See you next time!

Link to Butterfly count:

Big Butterfly Count (butterfly-conservation.org)

Cemetery Wildlife – June 2024


The month started off cold and wet, and up to the middle of the month the footpaths were still muddy.  But warmer, sunnier weather arrived later in the month and continued to the end of it.  I had plenty of opportunities to watch the cemetery wildlife during this busy time of the year.  The dry footpaths made it particularly pleasurable for me, as did the smell of the flowers on the privet bushes dotted around the cemetery.


New Species

Most of the cow parsley and a lot of the hogweed has now died back.  Although this can look a little unsightly in places, it has allowed some different plants to come through and I found four new species that I hadn’t noticed in the cemetery before.

The first of these was Meadowsweet (see photo above).  This was growing on the grass verge alongside the cemetery.  It might be one of the plants the volunteers set along there in November 2022 but which has only just managed to flower for the first time this year.

I also found some Corky-fruited Water-Dropwort – at least, I’m pretty sure that’s what it is.  It wasn’t planted by the volunteers, it being on a different part of the verge to the area that was planted.

White flowers of the corky-fruited water dropwort growing on the grass verge alongside the cemetery
Corky-fruited water-Dropwort

So it’s worth bearing in mind at this time of the year that not every plant with a round cluster of densely packed white flowers is Cow Parsley or Hogweed!

One of the things we did plant was Common Birds-foot Trefoil, and I was delighted to find some of it in flower.

The yellow flowers of Birds-foot Trefoil
Common Birds-foot Trefoil

I also found a very similar-looking plant, albeit considerably taller, growing nearby.  It looked very much like Meadow Vetchling.

The yellow flowers of Meadow Vetchling
Meadow Vetchling

Established Species

Staying with yellow flowers, I also saw a few clusters of Common Ragwort on the grass verge.  This is a perennial plant, flowering every other year.  It’s great for the insect branch of the cemetery wildlife, and can flower until as late as November.

The yellow flowers of Ragwort

I found two different types of Mallow growing on the verge – Musk Mallow, one of the plants set by the volunteers in 2022, and Common Mallow, which is just growing wild.

Two photos showing the pink flowers of Musk Mallow and Common Mallow
Musk Mallow (left) and Common Mallow (right)

Also on the verge I found a nice patch of Feverfew.

The white daisy-like flowers of Feverfew

Inside the cemetery I found some Hedge Woundwort and some Wall Lettuce, although it bears no resemblance whatsoever to the lettuce you’d have with a salad!

The purple flowers of Hedge Woundwort growing in the cemetery
Hedge Woundwort (above)
The tiny yellow flowers of Wall Lettuce, growing near some headstones in the cemetery
Wall Lettuce

There’s still plenty of Herb Robert growing in various places in the cemetery – this pretty little pink wildflower seems to be having a very good year.  I also saw plenty of Campion – both red and white varieties – growing in the cemetery and on the grass verge.  Other wildflowers I’ve seen this month are dandelions, knapweed, thistles, buttercups and Hedge Mustard.


Despite the abundance of flowers and nectar, it’s been a very poor month for butterflies.  I saw just one Red Admiral and a couple of Speckled Wood, all in the Quaker Burial Ground.   But we are in the “June gap” – this is the quiet period when the eggs laid by the early butterflies are hatching and developing into the next generation of butterflies ready for flight from July onwards.

I did see some bees, ladybirds, a Green Shield Bug and a few hoverflies including this Hornet Mimic hoverfly.

Hornet mimic hoverfly on a flowering tree
Hornet Mimic hoverfly

But the insect I saw the most of this month was the Thick-legged Flower Beetle (sometimes called the Swollen-thighed Flower Beetle).  It was only last year that I saw my first one in the cemetery, but this year there’s been a huge increase in their numbers.

Three photos showing thick-legged flower beetles on flowers
Thick legged flower beetles on (1) Corky-fruited Water-Dropwort; (2) Dandelion; and (3) Thistle

I checked on the iNaturalist website and found a distribution map that indicates this is a species found mainly in the south of the country, with very few being recorded north of York.  It makes me wonder if this species is spreading northwards now as a result of the warmer temperatures and milder winters.


I saw my first-ever young Great Spotted Woodpeckers this month, high up in a tree in the centre of the cemetery.   They were making lots noise, and I saw the adults making several visits to feed them. It looked like they were nearly ready to fledge because the female (right) no longer has any red feathers on the top of her head. Both sexes of the chicks have these red head feathers.  Only the males retain them into adulthood.

Woodpecker chicks looking out of a nest hole in a tree in the cemetery
Great Spotted Woodpecker chicks – male (left) and female (right)

I also saw a young Robin.  The red breast feathers are yet to grow – this is so that he or she can stay in the area until fully fledged.  Once the red feathers appear, the other adults will chase the youngster away.

Baby Robin on a headstone in the cemetery

I still regularly see a couple of Bullfinches in the cemetery.

A female bullfinch in the cemetery

This is the female.  I didn’t see her as often as usual this month – this could have been because she was incubating eggs in the nest.  June is in the middle of the Bullfinch breeding season, and a few years ago I saw a young fledgling in the cemetery.  That was in August.

Blue Tits are normally the most abundant species but I didn’t see as many of them as usual this month.

Blue Tit on a branch in the cemetery
Blue Tit

I did see plenty of Chaffinches and Great Tits, including some younger ones.  In addition I also saw a couple of Coal Tits, a Treecreeper, Blackbirds, Goldfinches and wrens.  The usual larger birds – Wood Pigeons, Crows, Magpies and Stock Doves – were around in good numbers.  I regularly heard Chiffchaffs in the cemetery, but couldn’t see them.  They’re usually high up in the trees, and difficult to see when the trees are in full leaf.  A regular visitor to the cemetery also saw one of the adult Tawny Owls this month.


Not much to report, other than this interesting (and tiny) specimen I found on a fallen log.  I think it belongs to the Lycogala genus. My thumb is shown purely for the purposes of scale.

Thumb pointing at a tiny fungus on a fallen log
Lycogala fungus (possibly)


June has been a month of transition, with the spring flowers dying back to make way for the summer ones. The weather could have been better too, being colder than normal for much of the month.

I mentioned the results of the iNaturalist City Nature Challenge 2024 in my April report but these figures were just interim ones. Although the recording period was from 26 to 29 April, the participants had until 6 May to upload their observations and have them verified.  I spent that weekend observing and recording a lot of the cemetery wildlife, so here’s a link to the results, from The Deep’s website.

Results of the Hull City Nature Challenge 2024 | The Deep

Squirrel having a snack on a headstone in the cemetery
Your Squirrel of the month – see you next time!



There was a real mixed bag of weather for the cemetery wildlife to contend with in May.  And whilst I wouldn’t count myself as wildlife, the warm weather in the middle of the month resulted in my having to deal with dozens of biting insects as I worked in the cemetery!  Puddles and fallen branches were common sights as the month ended on a very wet and windy note.


Large Birds

The highlight of the month was the return of Tawny owls to one of the owl boxes at the western end of the cemetery.  I saw two different adult birds – I only realised this when I studied my photos and noticed subtle differences between owls I saw at different times.  And then a couple of weeks later I saw two large fluffy chicks (also known as owlets) perched outside the box (see photo above).

A tawny owl sitting at the entrance to a nest box in the cemetery
Tawny Owl

The last time I saw Owls and owlets was in May 2021, but that year I saw the owlets in the first week of the month.  This year I saw them in the last week of the month.  I’ve put a link to my 2021 report at the end of this report.

I saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker on a couple of occasions.  I saw plenty of Wood Pigeons, and amongst them a pair of Stock Doves.

A wood pigeon on the ground with the sun shining on it
Wood Pigeon (above)
Two stock doves feeding on the ground in the cemetery
Stock Doves

Small birds

I saw a male Bullfinch on several occasions and a female one just a couple of times.  However, as all the trees now have fully opened leaves it’s harder to get photos of the smaller birds.

A male bullfinch sitting in a tree in the cemetery
Bullfinch (male)

I was also delighted to see a pair of Blackcaps.

A Blackcap perched on the stem of a hogweed plant
Blackcap (male)

Some of the early nesting birds have now successfully raised some youngsters, and I saw fledgling Robins, Blackbirds and Chaffinches.

A young blackbird perched on a branch
Blackbird (above). It looks very similar to a young Robin, but due to its size I can confirm it’s definitely a Blackbird.
A young chaffinch calling for its parents to feed it
Young Chaffinch begging for food

I also saw a very active pair of Coal Tits several times during my walks around the Cemetery, plus plenty of Great Tits and Blue Tits.  I think it’s safe to say that the avian branch of the cemetery wildlife is having a good year so far.



I saw my first Red Admiral of the year, in the Quaker Burial Ground.  It’s the only one I’ve seen so far this year.

Red Admiral butterfly resting on a leaf
Red Admiral

This brought the cemetery total to 11 different species of butterfly, which is what I expected based on previous years. However, this month has not been a very good one for them, and I only saw butterflies in ones and twos.  The other species I saw this month were Brimstone, Orange Tip, Green-veined White, Small White, Large White, Speckled Wood and Holly Blue.

A Large White butterfly feeding on cow parsley
Large White (male) (above)
A Speckled Wood butterfly perched high on a leaf in the Quaker Burial Ground
Speckled Wood (above). Note the damaged wing.
A Holly Blue Butterfly resting on a nettle leaf in the cemetery
Holly Blue (male) seen near the Cholera Monument.

Other Insects

I saw lots of ladybirds of various species, and plenty of bees, flies and hoverflies.  I saw this Narcissus Bulb fly on the grass verge alongside the cemetery – the first one I’d seen.

A Narcissus Bulb fly, looking like a small bee, sitting on a leaf
Narcissus bulb fly

The insect branch of the cemetery wildlife is always surprising me.  When I was taking part in the City Nature Challenge for iNaturalist last month, I looked at what other people had found in Hull.  I came across the very interestingly-named Batman hoverfly on the list.  Then a few days ago I saw one for myself, feeding on Hogweed on the grass verge.  Unfortunately, the Batman logo-shaped mark at the top of the thorax that gives the hoverfly its common name isn’t very clear. I’ve added a link at the end of this report to a site that gives more information about hoverflies.

A Batman Hoverfly feeding on hogweed flowers
Batman Hoverfly. The eyes are close together, indicating this is a male.

But an insect I often see is the Thick-legged flower beetle and these colourful little insects are a favourite of mine.  And unmistakable once you’ve seen one!

Thick-legged flower beetle on a buttercup
Thick-legged Flower Beetle. Only the male has those large thighs.


I was very happy to see a few flowers on the old Horse Chestnut tree.  This is probably one of the original trees planted when the cemetery was being laid out prior to its opening in 1847.  As far as tree flowers go, I think this is one of the prettiest to be found on our native trees.

The creamy white flowers of an old Horse Chestnut Tree in the cemetery
Horse Chestnut

I saw carpets of Wild Garlic, also known as Ramsons, throughout the cemetery although they reached their peak early in the month.  The rain and wind has flattened most of them now.

A carpet of white Wild Garlic flowers in the cemetery sunshine
Wild Garlic

There are plenty of Oxeye daisies growing on the grass verge alongside the cemetery.  They seem very attractive to the smallest branch of the cemetery wildlife, including this tiny fly.  I haven’t been able to precisely identify it, other than it being a Phania of some sort.

An Oxeye daisy with a tiny fly on it
Oxeye Daisy and fly

Other white flowers I saw this month were Common Chickweed, clover and Campion.  I also saw several Red Campion plants growing along the grass verge, and some Knapweed.  There are also some Dog-roses growing in the cemetery itself.

The pink flowers of the Red Campion
Red Campion (above)
The pink flowers of the Knapweed plant
Knapweed (above)
A pale pink Dog-rose with raindrops on it in the cemetery

The thistles all over the grass verge have grown rather tall during the month, and a few are now in flower.  But not all of them are pink.  I noticed one with yellow flowers, and this is a Prickly Sowthistle.  I also saw some Smooth Sowthistle growing in the same area.

Two photos showing the yellow flowers of the Prickly Sowthistle and the Smooth Sowthistle
Prickly Sowthistle (left) and Smooth Sowthistle (right)


The cemetery wildlife continues to thrive.  New life is all around, including this squirrel.  It seems to be a youngster as I’d never seen it before this month.  Its extra red hairs, especially on its tail, makes it stand out from the rest of the cemetery’s squirrel population. The photo doesn’t quite do it justice, however, as that red colouration is much more noticeable in real life!

A grey squirrel with extra red coloration sitting in a tree
Your Squirrel of the month. See you same time next month!

Wonderful Wildlife – Friends Of Hull General Cemetery

ID Guide Hoverflies – British Naturalists’ Association (bna-naturalists.org)

Cemetery Wildlife – April 2024

It might seem strange to be starting this report with a photo that was so obviously NOT taken in the cemetery.  After all, this is about the cemetery wildlife!  However, I’m pretty certain that this Mallard and her nine ducklings had just come out of the cemetery and were heading down Princes Avenue and towards Pearson Park, which is less than half a mile from the cemetery.  There was no doubt in my mind that this was where she was heading.

If I’d been at that point on Spring Bank West just a minute earlier then I’m sure I would have seen them coming out of the cemetery.  One of our volunteers told me he’s occasionally seen a Mallard in there.  Also, a few years ago a regular cemetery user showed me some footage he’d taken of a Mallard leading some ducklings through the cemetery.  I knew this was genuine because I recognised one of the headstones in the video.

Obviously I wasn’t going to just walk past – I decided to escort them to the park, making sure I kept a respectful distance to avoid scaring them.

3 photos of a mallard walking up the street with 9 ducklings
Heading up the road – along Princes Avenue and then crossing Welbeck Street.

I kept them on the footpath until she decided to cross the road.  I held up the traffic on one side of the road; a kind passer-by held up the traffic on the other side.  Both the drivers that had to stop were smiling and one had his phone out, recording the event.

I followed her into Pearson Park – she seemed to know the way.

3 photos of a mallard and her 9 ducklings in the park
The Mallard family reaches Pearson Park. She seems to know the way to the pond. 

I then watched as she coaxed all nine ducklings into the water.

A mallard and her 9 ducklings entering a pond
Made it! 


After this unexpected encounter I decided to find out a bit more about Mallards, this common duck most of us see in our local parks and take very much for granted.  Although they occasionally nest in trees, they usually nest on the ground, in dense foliage to keep hidden from predators.  She would have laid her eggs over a period of a few days, and then once she’d finished, she would then have started to incubate them.  Incubation takes around 4 weeks, so she could have been there in the cemetery for well over a month, quietly concealed from predators who could have taken her eggs.

The ducklings all hatch within a few minutes of each other and are mobile within a few hours of hatching.  These would have been less than 24 hours old, and ready to take to the water.  But the cemetery has no natural source of water so they couldn’t stay there any longer.

I saw plenty of our usual birds in the cemetery in April – Blue, Great and Coal tits, Bullfinches, Chaffinches and Goldfinches, Robins, Wrens, Dunnocks, Blackbirds, Carrion Crows, Wood Pigeons and Stock Doves.  Our seasonal visitors, the Chiffchaffs, were in fine and distinctive voice all month.  I was very pleased to see a Mistle Thrush – I usually just see Song Thrushes in the cemetery.

Here are just a few members of the avian branch of the cemetery wildlife as they go about their daily lives.

A mistle thrush high up in a tree
Mistle Thrush (above)
6 photos showing blackbird, magpie, robin, chiffchaff, chaffinch and wren in the cemetery
Top from left to right: Blackbird, Magpie and Robin.  Bottom from left to right – Chiffchaff, Chaffinch, Wren. 

I saw several of them gathering nesting material, and I noticed some of the smaller birds checking out the nest boxes.  I haven’t seen any fledgelings yet.



April was a very good month for butterflies, provided the days were sunny, reasonably warm and not too windy.  I saw my first Speckled Woods, Large Whites, Small Whites and Green-veined Whites of the year – it’s always a delight to see this most colourful branch of the cemetery wildlife.  Last to make an appearance, on the last day of the month, were the Orange Tips.

A speckled wood butterfly in the cemetery
Speckled wood (above)
Two photos of large white butterflies in the cemetery
Large White – female (left); male (right)

The Small White is slightly smaller and has less black markings on the edge of the upper wings. The male has one spot on each wing.

Two photos of Small White butterflies on dandelions in the cemetery
Small White – female (left); male (right) (above)
Two Green-veined White butterflies mating on a cow parsley leaf
Green-veined Whites mating (above). The male is at the top. 
An Orange Tip butterfly on a garlic mustard flower in the cemetery
Orange Tip (female) on a garlic mustard flower, their favoured food plant. The alternating black and white bars along the edge of the wings, and the distinctive mottled effect underneath the wings, set this apart from other white butterflies.  Only the male has orange wing tips. 

All the butterflies I’d seen for the first time in February and March also made several appearances during the month.  One thing I found most surprising was the fact that although I saw my first male Brimstone of the year in mid-March, it wasn’t until mid-April that I saw my first female.  However, females do emerge slightly later than the males but not usually that much later. I saw a total of ten different species of butterfly in the cemetery or on the Spring Bank West verge this month.

Two brimstone butterflies in flight
Brimstones (above). The female is on the left and the male on the right. 
Four photos of Holly Blue, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock and Comma butterflies in the cemetery
Top – Holly Blue (left); Small Tortoiseshell (right). Bottom – Peacock (left); Comma (right).

Bees, Flies and Bugs

I took part in the iNaturalist City Nature Challenge this month.  Running for 4 days from 26 to 29 April, its aim was to encourage the observing and recording of nature throughout the UK.  Hull took part for the first time last year and it was such a success that the city took part again this year.

Although I visited several parts of the city to see and record as many species as possible, the vast majority of my observations were of the Hull General cemetery wildlife. It made me look even more closely at all our insects, and I saw my first-ever Sun fly.

A Sun Fly on a dandelion
Sun Fly

That distinctive striped head made it stand out from all the other hoverflies I saw in April.  I also saw several types of bee including Red, Buff and White-tailed Bumblebees, Mining Bees and Honey Bees.

Tawny Mining bee on a leaf
Tawny Mining Bee (above)
A honey bee on a dandelion in the cemetery
Western Honey Bee

I also saw an abundance of Ladybirds – native British ones as well as Harlequins.

7-spot ladybirds mating
7-spot Ladybirds

I also saw a Green Shield Bug.

A Green Shield bug on a leaf
Green Shield Bug


The iNaturalist challenge also included plants, and I enjoyed looking more closely at some of the many plants, large and small, that we have in the cemetery.  Here are some of them – the Bluebells are at their peak just now.

Dove's-foot Crane's-bill growing near a headstone in the cemetery
Dove’s-foot Crane’s-bill (above)
Quince growing in the cemetery
Quince (above)
Bluebells growing near a grave in the cemetery
Bluebells (above). These are Spanish ones rather than the native British ones.
Cowslips growing near the entrance to the cemetery
Cowslips growing just inside the cemetery gates.

During the 4 days of the iNaturalist challenge, I saw nearly 100 different species of flora and fauna in the cemetery, and it could easily have been more as I missed some obvious ones.  Everything was eligible, even the humble dandelion!  And Hull as a city did extremely well in the overall scores at the end of the event.  Please see the link at the end of my report for more information.


April was a month of mixed fortunes, weather-wise.  There were some warm, sunny days but a much colder than average spell at the end of the month.  There were rainy days and some extremely windy ones, resulting in some large branches falling across the footpaths.  But the cemetery wildlife was thriving this month, and the very last day was very warm – warmer than average for the month.

A squirrel perched on a headstone in the cemetery
Squirrel of the month. See you next time!

Link to iNaturalist’s City Nature Challenge –

City Nature Challenge 2024: UK Leaderboard · iNaturalist United Kingdom

Cemetery Wildlife – November 2023

November was very wet and windy, with so much rain that the footpaths throughout the cemetery have remained muddy all month.  A lot of the time it was quite mild, but the month ended with two cold, sub-zero frosty days.  One of those might have included a light dusting of snow overnight, but the next morning it just looked like a very heavy frost. On the final day of the month there were some light falls of hail and snow.  The ground didn’t freeze though, so the cemetery wildlife had no trouble finding food and water.


There were decent numbers of the regular small birds around.  It seems to have been a good year for them, especially the chaffinches, great tits and blue tits.

A great tit looking for insects on the bark of a tree branch
Great tit looking for insects behind the bark. Note the jelly fungi towards the bottom of the branch.

I also started seeing a pair of coal tits almost every day.  It’s great to see them back in the cemetery.  They’re just slightly smaller than blue tits.

Two photos, one showing a blue tit and the other showing a coal tit
Blue tit (left) and coal tit

I’ve also seen Goldfinches regularly too.  This is a bird than can occur in large flocks, but the most I’ve seen together in the cemetery has been four or five.

A goldfinch perched on a branch in the cemetery
Goldfinch. The males and females are difficult to tell apart – the difference lies in the amount of red above the eye. As the red extends a way back, this is probably a male. 

I’ve also seen quite a few wrens in the cemetery.  These tiny birds move so quickly, and usually disappear into the ivy on the trees, that they can be quite a challenge to photograph.  And sometimes I only hear them, as they have quite a loud and distinctive call.

A wren on a log
Wren in the Quaker Burial Ground

An even louder bird is the carrion crow.  But they’re usually very easy to spot!

A carrion crow high up in the branches
Carrion Crow

Whilst I don’t have anything rare or unusual to report, I did catch a very brief glimpse of a pair of bullfinches.  I also caught a quick glimpse of a goldcrest.


There were very few plants in flower this month. The most distinctive of those in flower was the musk mallow, growing on the grass verge alongside Spring Bank West.  New flowers were still opening late in the month, although the frost might now have finished them off.

Two photos showing the pink flowers of the musk mallow - one before the frost and the other after it
Musk mallow before and after a heavy frost

A few dandelions were in flower but they might fare a bit better in the frost.

A frost-covered partially opened dandelion
Dandelion after a heavy frost


It has been quite windy this month and a number of branches, some of them quite large, have fallen from the trees.  But no significant trees were damaged.  Most of the deciduous trees are starting to look very bare now.  However, the leaves that have managed to cling on despite those high winds have now turned to lovely autumnal shades of yellow and orange.

The autumn colours of a beech sapling in the cemetery
Beech sapling (above)
The bright autumn colours of an ash tree in the cemetery


I didn’t find much in the way of mushrooms and other fungi this month which was a bit surprising when I look back on what I saw in the November of previous years.  I didn’t see any of the velvet shank I normally see growing on a particular fallen log. But I saw some candlesnuff and some coral spot, both growing on rotting wood.

Candlesnuff fungus growing on a rotting log
Candlesnuff fungus (above)
Coral spot fungus on a fallen branch in the cemetery
Coral spot


The smallest branch of the cemetery wildlife has been very quiet this month.  I’ve seen a few flies, hoverflies and ladybirds, but no butterflies.


The last full month of autumn has been a very wet one.  As we head into winter there is still plenty of autumnal colour left, but plenty of greenery too.  We are hoping the Council will give the grass verge alongside Spring Bank West one last cut for the season. This is because lots of new thistles have already started to grow there and these could stifle the growth of the spring flowers that are essential sources of nectar for early insects such as butterflies, some of which can appear as early as February.

A squirrel in a tree, looking directly at the camera
Your squirrel of the month. See you next time!


Cemetery Wildlife – October 2023

October was a typically autumnal month, with some misty mornings leading to sunny days.  It was quite mild at times, but it was rain that dominated the month with some quite heavy and prolonged showers, especially towards the end of the month.  As a result of this higher than average rainfall, all the footpaths in the cemetery are very muddy.  At least the cemetery wildlife wasn’t short of drinking water! 


Small Flowering

Many of the cemetery’s plants have now died back, including the Hogweed shown above. It’s good that some of the seed heads remain upright even after all the seeds have been eaten because they make a great focal point for us photographers!  However, I also found one still in flower.

The white flowers of Hogweed inside the cemetery

Elsewhere in the cemetery I found lots of Ivy still in flower and attracting plenty of small bees and hoverflies.

Ivy flower in the cemetery

The main place for flowering plants is the grass verge along Spring Bank West.  As I mentioned in last month’s report, the Council cut part of it during the hot weather early in September.  Then we had lots of rain and the verge looks green and lush as a result.  Unfortunately this has allowed lots of thistles to start regrowing, but the verge is due for one final cut of the season, hopefully soon.

Despite this I found several plants still flowering, including Tansy, Feverfew and Smooth Sow-thistle.

Bright yellow Tansy flowers on the grass verge alongside the cemetery
Tansy (above)
The daisy-like flowers of Feverfew
Feverfew (above)
Freshly opened Smooth Sow-thistle flowers
Smooth Sow-thistle

That small patch of Ragwort I mentioned last month is still in flower.  I’ve also found White Campion, Wild Basil, Toadflax, Dandelions and Musk Mallow still flowering.

An opening bud of a pink Musk Mallow flower
Musk Mallow

Trees and larger shrubs

The heavy rainfall on the trees has saturated the bark, making it appear very dark.

An old Horse Chestnut tree in the cemetery, with bark darkened by heavy rainfall
Horse Chestnut

It isn’t just the flowers that add colour to the cemetery – the leaves on the trees look equally colourful, especially on the Forsythia growing near the cemetery gates.  It gives us masses of bright yellow flowers in the Spring, and then this in the Autumn.

The bright autumnal colours of Forsythia leaves

The Dogwood growing inside the cemetery is very colourful too.

The autumnal colours of Dogwood, with raindrops

The leaves on some of the trees have started to turn autumnal, but it looks like their main colour will come through in November.

The berries on the trees also add splashes of colour all over the site, and provide food for the cemetery wildlife, especially the birds.

The bright red berries of Pyracantha near one of the cemetery monuments


The usual small birds were around in good numbers, including Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Chaffinches, Blackbirds, Robins, Wrens, Great Tits and Goldfinches.

A Great Tit in the cemetery
Great Tit (above)
Goldfinch perched on a branch

Walking through the cemetery one day, I heard a cooing sound that differed from the Wood Pigeon and Stock Dove ones I usually hear.  When I looked up I saw a pair of Collared Doves perched on the roof of a nearby house.  Unfortunately they were not in the cemetery itself so don’t count towards this year’s list of bird species seen in the cemetery.  I’m hoping to see them again, but inside the cemetery.


I saw plenty of small bees and hoverflies this month.  One sunny day I was walking along the grass verge and noticed that practically all of the Dandelions and other similar yellow flowers had a small insect on them.  This includes Ladybirds, both Harlequin and native.

A Marmalade Hoverfly on a Dandelion
Marmalade Hoverfly (above)
Ladybird on a bright yellow flower
Harlequin Ladybird

I didn’t see any butterflies in October, and neither did any of the other volunteers.  This is unusual, because I’ve seen at least one Speckled Wood in the previous two Octobers.


Just a couple to record this time – a Jelly Ear and one that looks very like the Dryad’s Saddle ones I’ve seen on a few occasions in the past.

Jelly Ear Fungus growing on a rotting fallen branch
Jelly Ear (above)
A partially eaten large brown fungus - Dryad's Saddle
Dryad’s Saddle


October was a very wet month.  The muddy conditions have made walking in certain parts of the cemetery quite a challenge, especially where people have ridden bikes along the paths, exacerbating the problems.  With rain forecast for the start of November, the paths aren’t going to be drying out anytime soon.  Despite all this, the cemetery wildlife seems to be thriving.

But I’d like to end this report with an appeal to all the animal lovers out there – once Halloween is over, please don’t leave your leftover pumpkins in the cemetery.  They’re not good for wildlife to eat, especially hedgehogs.  Whilst some animals may have a quick nibble of the pumpkin, the majority of it will remain, turning into a rotting mess that the litter picking volunteers then have to remove. The link below gives more information about what to do with your unwanted pumpkins.

Thank you on behalf of the cemetery wildlife, and I’ll be back next month!

A Grey Squirrel perched high on a wet tree branch



Cemetery Wildlife – August 2023


August was a cool and wet month with lots of rain, some of it very heavy, in the first week. There were some warm sunny days too, but nothing even remotely resembling a heatwave. Some of the paths inside the cemetery are therefore still muddy.  It was very windy on several days, resulting in some fallen branches although none had caused any damage. With no extremes of temperature to adversely affect the cemetery wildlife, it continues to thrive.



The good news is that I observed butterfly species number 12 in the cemetery this month – a Gatekeeper.  I’ve never seen one in the cemetery before.  This one was on the grass verge along Spring Bank West, and is pictured above, on Ragwort.  They can be seen in the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust’s wildlife garden in Pearson Park, which is less than half a mile away from the cemetery, so that could be where it came from.

It has been a very quiet month for butterflies.  The only other ones I’ve seen are Red Admiral, Speckled Wood, Small White, Green-veined White and Holly Blue.  I didn’t see any of them in large numbers, just singly or in twos or threes.


A female small white butterfly resting on a dandelion
Small White (female) (above)
Two Green-veined White butterflies on green foliage
Green-veined White Butterflies. Note how the female (resting on the leaf) has her abdomen raised – this is to warn the approaching male that she does not want to mate. In fact it looks like she was in the process of egg laying before the male approached her. 
Holly Blue butterfly laying eggs on an Ivy flower bud
Holly Blue laying eggs on an Ivy flower bud

Other Insects

The main types I’ve seen this month have been Ladybirds, Bees and Hoverflies. The most striking of them was this Hornet-mimic Hoverfly.  It’s noticeably larger than the other ones that are around at the moment, and is harmless to humans. The yellow band between the eyes indicates that this one is female.

Hornet-mimic Hoverfly on a Dandelion
Hornet-mimic Hoverfly (female) 



Most of the Thistles that had taken hold of the grass verge have now died back, so it looks a bit tired at the moment.  However some Dandelions and other similar yellow flowers, often difficult to identify with certainty, have now started to come through.  There is still some Knapweed for the cemetery wildlife to feed on, including this White-tailed Bumblebee.

White-tailed Bumblebee on Knapweed in the cemetery
Knapweed and White-tailed Bumblebee

The Teasels planted in various locations in the cemetery have now started to flower.  However, they can sometimes be difficult to spot because the wind and wet weather has caused them to lean over.  But again, they are great for the cemetery wildlife and there was also a small bug of some sort on this one which I didn’t get time to identify.  This is because a Bee landed on the flower, thus displacing it.

A Buff-tailed Bumblebee on a Teasel flowerhead in the cemetery
Teasel and Buff-tailed Bumblebee

I’ve been keeping an eye on the Toadflax that was planted on the grass verge last year.  It started to flower last month but is looking at its best this month.  I was delighted to find this Sloe Bug, also known as a Hairy Shield Bug, on the flowerhead.

Toadflax with a Hairy Shield Bug on the flowerhead
Toadflax and Sloe Bug or Hairy Shield Bug

Elsewhere along the Spring Bank West verge I found White Campions, Feverfew and a new one I hadn’t noticed before – Black Medick.

A white campion flower on the grass verge alongside the cemetery
White Campion (above)
The Daisy-like flowers of Feverfew growing in the cemetery
Feverfew (above)
The tiny yellow flower of the Black Medick, with clover-like green leaves
Black Medick

The Crocosmia growing in the Quaker Burial Ground was looking at its best earlier in August, adding some welcome colour to that rather dark part of the cemetery.

Crocosmia growing in the Quaker Burial Ground

In another dark part of the cemetery, away from the footpaths, I found some Cuckoopint, also known as Lords-and-Ladies.  The seeds should end up red, but this small group of plants never seems to thrive and they usually die off before the seeds reach maturity.

The seeds of the Cuckoopint plant, with a few of the top ones just starting to ripen
Cuckoopint or Lords-and-Ladies

Trees and Fungi

The windy weather has dislodged a lot of the fruits from the cemetery’s trees and they make for a lush green carpet on the ground.

Hornbeam tree and fruit in the cemetery
Hornbeam and fruit (inset)

Whilst not being plants of course, I’ve included fungi under this heading because many of them grow on trees, both living and dead.  I didn’t find much in the way of fungi in the cemetery this month but I did find this small group of what appears to be some sort of Honey fungus.

Honey Fungus growing on a fallen log in the cemetery
Honey Fungus


Young birds are still fledging, including this Goldfinch, pictured with one of its parents.

Two photos showing a young Goldfinch and an adult Goldfinch on a tree in the cemetery
Goldfinches – fledgling (left); adult (right)

The Chaffinches, Blue Tits and Great Tits seem to have had a very successful year with lots of youngsters around.  The adults are looking a little worse for wear, so it was nice to see a smart-looking Great Tit in full breeding plumage.

An adult Great Tit in full breeding plumage
Great Tit

When I’m walking in the cemetery I often hear loud crashing noises coming from high up in the trees.  I look up and see these – Wood Pigeons.

Wood Pigeon high up in a tree in the cemetery
Wood Pigeon

Early in the month I heard the sound of at least two Sparrowhawks calling in the trees, but I wasn’t able to get a photo of them.  As birds of prey are usually silent, I assume these were youngsters, calling to a parent for food.  Other birds I’ve seen this month include Coal Tit, Wren, Robin, Stock Dove, Crow, Magpie and Blackbird.  I didn’t see any Dunnocks or Long-tailed Tits though, or any sign of the Bullfinches I saw regularly earlier in the summer.

A young Blackbird on a branch
Young Blackbird 


Another great month for the cemetery wildlife with plenty to see all around the site.  Some of the bramble bushes around the cemetery are already bearing lots of ripe fruits, signaling that Autumn is not too far away.

A Squirrel feeding in the cemetery
Your Squirrel for August. See you next month!

Cemetery Wildlife – July 2023

While parts of mainland Europe sweltered under record breaking heat, it has been a rather cool month here, with a higher than usual rainfall too.  This caused some of the footpaths to become muddy again.  There have been some warm sunny days though, and the cemetery wildlife is still thriving.  This is particularly noticeable with the birds, as I’ve seen lots of fledglings around.


I started this report with a young Robin.  It is probably less than a month old as it was flying, but doesn’t yet have its red breast.  This will develop in late summer when the bird is between two and three months old.  Once the young bird has its red breast it will be chased out of the area by the very territorial males.  The initial lack of a red breast prevents this from happening and gives it time to learn to fly and feed itself.

I’ve seen lots of young Great and Blue Tits around the cemetery too.

Two photos showing an adult Blue Tit and a juvenile Blue Tit
Blue Tits – adult (left); juvenile (right) 

I was delighted to see a Coal Tit this month.  It was high up in a tree so I couldn’t get a particularly good photo of it, but I could clearly see the distinctive white patch towards the back of its head.  That and the beige coloured chest meant it couldn’t be any other bird.

A Coal Tit high up in a tree in the cemetery
Coal Tit

I regularly heard and saw Goldfinches this month.  There were lots of Chaffinches around, including young ones, and I still got occasional glimpses of the two Bullfinches I mentioned last month.  I’m sure it’s the same pair as they’re not a common or numerous species here.

Two photos - one showing a male Chaffinch and the other showing a male Bullfinch
Chaffinch (left) and Bullfinch (right) illustrating their different colouring and beak size. Both are male.

I also saw young Blackbirds foraging on the ground, but begging for food whenever a parent was nearby.   I also saw several Carrion Crows, Magpies, Wood Pigeons, Wrens and this Song Thrush.

A Song Thrush foraging on the ground
Song Thrush


There were lots of Ladybirds around this month, and lots of Hoverflies too.  When I use my phone to take close-up photos of flowers with Hoverflies on them, it’s always amusing to see another one trying to land on the flower on my phone screen!

A Marmalade Hoverfly on a yellow flower
Marmalade Hoverfly

I kept seeing Thick-legged Flower Beetles too, a species I hadn’t seen in previous years in the cemetery.

The yellow flower of the Tansy plant, with a Thick-legged Flower Beetle resting on it
Thick-legged Flower Beetle on Tansy. It lacks the thick thighs, meaning this one is a female. 

I see lots of flies too, but tend not to mention them as they’re so commonplace and often quite small and difficult to photograph.  But this Flesh Fly stood out, being larger than most.

A Flesh Fly resting on a leaf.
Flesh Fly


Last month I told you the story of a Large White Butterfly from egg to larva/caterpillar. But I also noticed something unusual about a week after I saw the caterpillar on the plant stem.  I saw another Large White caterpillar in that same area (or maybe it was the same one?) on a cluster of what looked like oval shaped eggs.  I knew these weren’t the butterfly’s eggs, so I did a bit of research and discovered a rather gruesome story.

It seems the “eggs” you can see in the photos below are actually the pupae of a Braconid, a type of tiny parasitic wasp.  It lays its eggs inside other insects, including caterpillars.  The eggs hatch and the larvae eat the host insect without its knowledge, whilst leaving the vital organs intact so the host doesn’t die.  They then hatch out through a hole in the skin of the still-living caterpillar, and pupate near to it.

The caterpillar is then somehow persuaded to spin a web of silk around all the Braconid pupae to protect them.  (This is the material it would normally use to make a cocoon inside which it would turn into a butterfly).  And still, barely alive, the caterpillar keeps watch over them.  I assume this is what we can see in the photo on the left, although the caterpillar still looks quite rounded rather than an eaten-out husk.  A week later there was no caterpillar but the web with the pupae in them was still there.

Two photos of some parasitic wasp pupa and a Large White Butterfly caterpillar
Large White Caterpillar on a cocoon containing Braconid wasp pupae

I wasn’t able to observe what happened next due to the rather heavy rain from the middle to the end of the month and I lost track of the plant in the photos.  Of course, these photos might not illustrate any or even part of the process I’ve described, but it did seem to make sense.

I didn’t see any more caterpillars, nor did I see a lot of butterflies until towards the end of the month, when there were a number of white ones around – Small White, Large White and Green-Veined White.

A Green-veined White Butterfly on a Wild Carrot flowerhead
Green-veined White Butterfly on Wild Carrot. Note the tiny beetles on the left, possibly a type of Jewel Beetle.

I also saw a few Holly Blues, several Speckled Wood, a Comma and a Red Admiral.

A Red Admiral Butterfly high up on some white Bramble flowers. Brambles are great food for the cemetery wildlife.
Red Admiral on Bramble flowers

Plants and Flowers

The Brambles in the cemetery and along the grass verge are currently at all stages of development.  Some have buds on them, some are in flower, as seen in the photo above, and some have fully ripe fruits on them.  All good news for the cemetery wildlife!

Some more of the wildflower plants set by the volunteers last year are now flowering.  This includes the Tansy on a previous photo, and the yellow flower the Hoverfly is resting on.  These yellow flowers that look similar to Dandelions can be quite difficult to identify and they include Hawkbit, Hawk’s-Beard, Goatsbeard and Cat’s Ear.

Mallow is still in flower along the grass verge – Common and Musk.

Common Mallow growing in the cemetery
Common Mallow (above)
The pink flowers of the Musk mallow, with two Marmalade Hoverflies
Musk Mallow with visiting Marmalade Hoverflies

The Wild Basil is also starting to flower.

The pink flowers of the Wild Basil
Wild Basil

There are Privet bushes in various places in the cemetery, and these were in flower in July.  The white flowers are rather small, but they do have a very nice fragrance.

The white flowers of the Privet growing in the cemetery

There is also some Hedge Woundwort growing in the cemetery.  It appears in the same place each year but doesn’t seem to have spread anywhere else.

The tall pink flower stems of Hedge Woundwort
Hedge Woundwort

I also found some Wall Lettuce – it seems to tolerate shade and adds a bit of colour to a dark area.

The small yellow flowers of the Wall Lettuce, growing near a headstone in the cemetery
Wall Lettuce


Not much to report, except for this small cluster of Fairy Inkcaps underneath an old bracket fungus.  There are a few tough old bracket fungi still around, but I haven’t seen any other new mushrooms.

A large bracket fungus attached to a tree,  with some smaller Fairy Inkcap mushrooms growing underneath it - food for the cemetery wildlife
Bracket Fungus and Fairy Inkcaps


A cooler and wetter month than June.  The vast majority of the Hogweed and Cow Parlsey has finished for the season, so anything you see from now on that looks similar is probably Wild Carrot.  The die-back has left the cemetery looking a little battered, and the heavy showers have caused the taller plants such as the Thistles to bend over.  But fresh plants are starting to grow and flower, and there is abundant cemetery wildlife wherever you look.

A squirrel in a tree looking direct to the camera
See you next month!