National Federation of Cemetery Friends

Here’s the latest newsletter from the National Federation of Cemetery Friends. It has a piece about the recent work that the volunteers have been doing in the cemetery. It also shows a selection of other similar groups around the country who are attempting the same things that the FOHGC are doing.

It’s a long uphill struggle as we all know but I’m sure you’ll feel happier knowing that we are part of a bigger movement. the National Federation of Cemetery Friends are the umbrella groups for such groups and of course the FOHGC is a member of it.

For too long our cemetery heritage has been allowed to be cast aside. The history of the site in terms of the city’s heritage goes without saying. The monuments are some of the best artwork that you can see outside of an art gallery. Resting in what is probably the closest you can probably get to an urban woodland it is an enchanting place to spend some time

Why don’t you do that?

And when you’ve finished here’s the link to the NFCF.

Rear of the Princes Ave shops' path