Next Month

I hope you like the items this month.

Next month I’m going to include the Facebook article where two volunteers of the FOHGC attempted to retrace the steps of John Symons as he walked around the cemetery in the 1880s. A brave challenge and an extremely twisty route too as they found. I hope you enjoy it.

There’ll be another article by Bill Longbone from his posts on the FB site. Helen Bovill will be showing us the delights of nature in August. You know, all the things that we, mere mortals, totally miss. Yet she seems to just pick these tiny objects out from the wilderness that surrounds her.

Heritage Open Days

Owing to shortage of time I may not be able to contribute much next month as Heritage Open Days will be upon soon. The second week of September will be filled with opportunities for you all to quench your heritage thirst.

Hull General Cemetery features heavily. Two guided walks will take place. These will be led by myself, hopefully accompanied, by Helen Bovill.

There will be three talks on the subject. These will take place, Pandemic willing, at the Ferens Art Gallery. They are all entitled, ‘A Virtual Walk Through Hull General Cemetery (Without Getting Your Shoes Muddy)’.

In essence, these talks will take you through the Cemetery by PowerPoint. Not as good as the real thing I know but, on the plus side, no muddy shoes either. Here are the dates I have been given. They are Part 1, Sunday, 12th September at 3.00 p.m., part 2, is on Thursday, the 16th at 1.30 p.m. the final section, Part 3, is Friday, the 17th at 3.00 p.m. All at the Ferens. I hope to see some of you there.

Incidentally, I’m giving another talk during that week, and Hull General Cemetery features in a small way. The Spanish Flu in Hull 1918 is the title of the talk. Its also at the Ferens. Not sure of the date / time for that one. Sorry. The HODS brochure will be published soon.

See you next month.

Next Month


Firstly, an apology. I was going to tell you the story this month of the very last board meeting of the Company and the extraordinary decision they had to make there.  This was to be the anniversary spot this month. Sadly, I’m a bit dense. It should have been last month because it happened in June 1972!!

However, people appeared to like last month’s anniversary item, so its swings and roundabouts. I promise I will write up that story for the future

Next month I’m going to be giving the bulk of the newsletter over to Bill and Helen mainly. Bill’s contributions are from Facebook and we’re attempting to archive them all on here so they can be found more easily. And preserved too. Helen I’m sure will show us more of the wildlife in the Cemetery and it’s changing faces every month.

I’ll finish off the story of Peter Hodsman’s sons. Both stonemason’s of the Cemetery Company. Stonemason of the Cemetery

By the time of the next newsletter we should be back to ‘normality’, whatever that term might mean now.

With that July 19th date in mind, who knows, we may be able to meet up with the powers that be and start asking some searching questions about what the Council want from us and vica versa. We’ll see.


Next month

Next month in the June newsletter, the second part of the Creation of Hull General Cemetery will be posted. I’m also hopeful of posting the first part of a work on one of the master stonemasons of the Company. I’d love to title it Stoned but Search Engine Optimisation would throw a fit. I’ll come up with something.

Helen will grace this newsletter with more of her stunningly beautiful photographs of the natural world that lives and thrives in the cemetery.

Also, we’re hoping to add more stuff to the website. One will be called Facebook Archive and it will feature the research of Bill Longbone and Karen Towner. Both post on Facebook such interesting stories around the people buried in the cemetery. Unfortunately, Facebook ‘loses’ them by, in effect, moving on. Well now, the stories will be found here too so no more searching.

Also next month in the June newsletter there will be another anniversary, and, of course, whatever news there is.

See you then.

Next month

.Next month I’m hopeful of having at least two lengthy articles for you. Unpublished anywhere and brand spanking new for your delight. Delight might be a bit over the top but I’m sure you know what I mean.

The first article is about how the Hull General  Cemetery Company was established and why it happened at that particular time. Complete with severed heads and dubious dealings on the part of the Church It could be the basis for a new Hollywood blockbuster. Or not as the case may be. Anyway I hope you find it interesting.

The second article next month  is about a man who worked for the Company. We know a great deal about many of the people who are buried in the Cemetery but not a great deal about the people who buried them. This is an attempt to redress this imbalance just a little.

I’m also going to serialise the ‘Catacombs and Crosses’ part of the third book. I’ve just come across some more information that I didn’t know at the time and therefore it isn’t in that book. So, I thought it might be good to post it here.

Plus any news regarding the Cemetery that comes my way. Any activities by the FOHGC that are fit to print, and, of course, the monthly anniversary post.

Your comments are always welcome. I can’t reply via this website but I always try to reply via email.