The Cemetery Burial Records

Some of you may remember that, as part of the rehabilitation of Hull General Cemetery, some research and administrative tasks were to be carried out. It was hoped that when these tasks were completed it would help to raise the profile of the site.

One of those tasks was to transcribe the Cemetery burial records onto an Excel spreadsheet. This would then be placed onto this site so that people could search for their relatives or use it for research for other purposes. We were also going to share this database with the Carnegie Heritage Centre, the East Yorkshire Family History Society  and also the Hull History Centre.

Still our aim

That is still our aim. You’ll be glad to know that this exercise is reaching the final stages. It’s about 80% complete. We would like to have it completed by the Heritage Open Days in September this year.  Perhaps even have a ‘Grand Opening’ of it at a venue yet to be decided upon.

However, to make that date we would like to ask you to join us in finalising this project.

You will need your own computer and access to the internet. The actual work involved is light but it does need patience and attention to detail.

This project will be invaluable to the City of Hull as well as the professional researcher and the person who just wants to find their ancestor’s grave.

Here’s an example  of a burial record so you can see what the job entails. Its from July 1860. As you can see the social history is apparent from the first entry. Rebecca Day dying of fever in Hull Borough Asylum. This building, the last remains of it having been demolished within the last two years, was set at the back of the present HRI. Just think how much more you could find out.

Hull Cemetery Burial record 1860


If you want to be part of this project then please contact the FOHGC. We’ll guide you through it and help where its needed.

Hold the front page!

Sorry, I’ve always wanted to write that and this is the closest I can get to it.

I just thought I’d let you know that I will be giving a talk at the Hull Central Library on Saturday, 19th February. The talk may probably be the last time I’ll be doing The Rise and Fall of Hull General Cemetery.

The talk takes place in the old Local Studies Library, known as the James Reckitt room. It starts at 11.00 a.m. and I think there is a charge of £1.

Hope to see you there.


Here is an update to the news from last month.

Firstly an apology. I wonder how many times I’ve started this item with that phrase. Answers on a postcard please.

Anyway, due to a mix-up, I will not be giving talks on Hull General Cemetery for this year’s Heritage Open Days. I would also like to state that the mix-up was not my fault.

Suffice to say that I noticed that the talks were not in the brochure. I pointed this out and after much apologising by the organisers I was asked if I still wanted to give the talks although they were not in the brochure

I decided not to as it would be confusing to people. The talks will take place next year. To be quite frank I have too much on and not giving these talks was a boon. News

Wrecking Ball, Whitefriargate

I will be giving a talk on the Spanish Flu in Hull 1918-19 on Wednesday, September 15th.

The venue is now The Wrecking Ball. I’m informed that it has no disabled access sadly. I’m also unaware of any booking facility nor how many the people the venue can hold. Many of the regular venues that are usually used for HODS have been found wanting in some way or another. Hopefully by next year those issues should be resolved.

To be able to hold a HODS this year has been an arduous process undertaken, at least in Hull, by just two people. John Netherwood and his wife Christine.

After last year’s events had to be cancelled, and with the uncertainty this year, I think we are lucky that it is going ahead.

Taken from Punch - A recent picture of a family enjoying hgc

Guided Walks

I will also be taking guided walks around Hull General Cemetery. These will take place on Saturday the 11th and the 18th. Both walks will meet at Princes Avenue corner.

The first walk begins at 11.00 a.m. whilst the second walk will begin at 1.30.

Stout footwear is recommended and each walk takes roughly two hours.

I’m hopefully to be accompanied by another of the FOHGC volunteers, Helen Bovill, who will point out the environmental aspects of the site.

I know there’ll be more news later, especially about the work in the Quaker’s site. However that will be written up later.



Next Month


Next month on the site there will be the conclusion of the story of the creation of Hull General Cemetery. This story leads from witnessing the terrible scenes that burials in the churchyards of Hull in the early 1840s often displayed. It ends after the first burial in the first cemetery that the town ever possessed and the official opening of the site. I hope you enjoy it. The Creation of Hull General Cemetery: Part One 

There will be further articles from Bill Longbone’s posts on our sister sire; Friends of Hull General Cemetery As you know these initially featured on the Facebook. By placing them on this site the Facebook Archive will become a repository of research and knowledge for future students of the subject and site.

Helen Bovill will be providing more detailed and beautiful images and information on the wildlife that lives in Hull General Cemetery during the summer months. Wonderful Wildlife

Stone masons

There will also be the long trailed story of the master masons of the Cemetery’s monumental business. This business was often the sole profitable part of the Company’s business. I was hopeful that I could have used it this month. However I believe that as I am now able to use Bill’s extensively researched Facebook’s articles I should do that. I also believed that these items of Bill’s needed preserving by placing them on this site.

So the story of the master masons has been held over for June’s newsletter.

And of course there will be the usual Anniversary and News items. The anniversary item will move this time from Victorian times into the recent past. It will examine the final board meeting of the the Cemetery Company.

The news item is really dependent upon what happens over the period. One of the things that I hope to touch upon is the issue around the Council’s  request to stop working. It’s hoped that we may be able to report back on a positive decision of the Hull City Council for the FOHGC.

However we are committed to work with any decision that the Council arrives at. Hull City Council request to the FOHGC

Next month

Next month in the June newsletter, the second part of the Creation of Hull General Cemetery will be posted. I’m also hopeful of posting the first part of a work on one of the master stonemasons of the Company. I’d love to title it Stoned but Search Engine Optimisation would throw a fit. I’ll come up with something.

Helen will grace this newsletter with more of her stunningly beautiful photographs of the natural world that lives and thrives in the cemetery.

Also, we’re hoping to add more stuff to the website. One will be called Facebook Archive and it will feature the research of Bill Longbone and Karen Towner. Both post on Facebook such interesting stories around the people buried in the cemetery. Unfortunately, Facebook ‘loses’ them by, in effect, moving on. Well now, the stories will be found here too so no more searching.

Also next month in the June newsletter there will be another anniversary, and, of course, whatever news there is.

See you then.