The Hull Hub

The Hull Hub

Some of you may remember that a local periodical (The Hull Hub)published an article about the work that the FOHGC were doing last year in its September 2019 edition. They also bravely put a photograph of Bill Longbone, Russ Moor and myself in their pages. I have no idea how that affected their advertisers but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t positive! What on earth were they thinking?

Bill, Russ and Pete at the Gates in 2019
Bill, Russ and Pete at the Gates in 2019

Suffice to say that they haven’t learnt from that. I contacted them last week and sent them some images and text about the activities that the FOHGC were carrying out now and what they had done during the last year. I titled the piece, ‘Pandemic? What Pandemic’. I received an email back almost immediately saying, ‘great’ and that they would definitely use it for their next edition.

So, the activities of the FOHGC will once again grace their pages. And quite rightly too. The work that the volunteers have produced this year has been phenomenal and it should be widely celebrated. From path restoration to bulb planting; from creating areas that will become wild flower meadows to erecting a memorial to the people buried in the workhouse section of the Cemetery, the work has been excellent, and in the teeth of a pandemic. Well done all of you, and you know who you are.

I’m reliably informed that the Hull Hub article will be going to print next week. Not being familiar with the print schedules of the Hull Hub I’m guessing that  it may be in the December or January edition. Look out for it but try to keep it away from people of a delicate or sensitive nature. The image above should be testament to that advice. You have been warned!