Cemetery Wildlife – May 2023

May got off to a wet start, but there was plenty of warm sunshine throughout the month.  I was away on holiday for 11 days in the middle of the month and when I got back home, I couldn’t believe the amount of growth there had been while I was away!  The leaves on the trees are almost fully open, flowers are blooming everywhere and the cemetery wildlife is making the most of this late Spring abundance.  The month ended on a cool but dry note.

Plants and flowers

The Bluebells were nearly at their peak when the above photo was taken. The vast majority of them are not the native British Bluebells but a Spanish variety.  Most are blue of course, but I did see a few pink ones and quite a few white ones too. The stems have a more upright appearance whereas the native British ones have a more downward curving stem.  Their flowering reached its peak in the middle of the month.

White Bluebells, sometimes known as Snowbells

Another seasonally abundant plant in the cemetery is the Wild Garlic which is also known as Ramsons.  It started to flower a bit later than usual but by the end of the month it had reached its peak.

Wild Garlic growing in the cemetery near some headstones
Wild Garlic starting to open (inset); in full bloom (main photo)

Some more of the wildflower plants the volunteers set along the Spring Bank West verge last Autumn are now in flower, including Oxeye Daisies, Red Campion and Ribwort Plantain.

A collage of three photos showing Oxeye Daisy, Red Campion and Ribwort Plantain
Oxeye Daisy (top left); Red Campion (bottom left); Ribwort Plantain (right)

There is a lot of Cow Parsley growing along the verge.  I also saw some more yellow flowers in the same family as Dandelions including Smooth Sow Thistle. There are many similar-looking yellow flowers growing in and around the cemetery, so it isn’t always easy to say what some of them are. But I think one of the plants is Hawk’s-beard.

The yellow flowers of Smooth Sow-thistle on the grass verge alongside the cemetery
Smooth Sow Thistle (above)
White and yellow flowers

I found another yellow flower in the cemetery – this Greater Celandine.  It’s much taller than the Lesser Celandine, of which there are still a few to be seen in the cemetery.

Greater Celandine growing in the cemetery
Greater Celandine

The Hedge Mustard is now flowering.  This plant has a tiny yellow flower and is easy to miss, but the cemetery wildlife seems to like it as I often found butterflies on it.

The tiny yellow flowers of the Hedge Mustard plant which are great for the cemetery wildlife
Hedge Mustard

It’s nice to see other colours appearing in amongst all the white and yellow such as the Periwinkle, and a few of the plants are still in flower.  There are a lot more Germander Speedwell growing in the cemetery this year and their vivid little blue flowers are easy to spot among the greenery.  But the plant with the tiniest flowers must surely be the Ivy-leaved Speedwell.  There is a lot of it growing in various places but you might not have noticed the flowers because they’re such a pale colour and they’re only about 4 mm wide.

A blue Periwinkle flower and green foliage
Periwinkle (above)
The mall blue flowers of Germander Speedwell
Germander Speedwell (above)
The tiny blue flowers of the Ivy-leaved Speedwell
Ivy-leaved Speedwell

I also found some Rock Crane’s-bill growing in the Cemetery, and some Herb Robert.  These splashes of pink contrast nicely with the greenery.

Rock Crane's-bill in the cemetery
Rock Crane’s-bill (above)Herb Robert growing in the Cemetery

Herb Robert


I haven’t seen any new species of butterfly this month.  Those that I did see on several occasions were the Orange-tip, Green-veined White, Small White, Large White and Holly Blue on the grass verge. And I could almost guarantee seeing a Speckled Wood in the Quaker Burial Ground every sunny day this month!

A male Large White butterfly on a Dandelion
Large White (male) (above)
A Large White butterfly laying eggs on Hedge Mustard
Large White laying eggs on Hedge Mustard (above)
Holly Blue butterfly (female) on a leaf
Holly Blue (female)

I was very pleased to see this – a Common Green Shield Bug – early in the month.  There are several species of Shield Bug native to the UK and they get their name from a shield-shaped mark on their backs, although it’s not particularly visible in this photo.

A Common Green Shield Bug on a Dandelion
Common Green Shield Bug

The grass verge was buzzing with hoverflies and several species of bee this month, including this Red Mason Bee.

A Red Mason Bee on a Dandelion
Red Mason Bee (with Ant) 


I saw the usual species I’d expect to see throughout the month, such as Magpies, Carrion Crows, Wood Pigeons, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Chaffinches, Wrens, Blackbirds and Robins. I occasionally saw Dunnocks, Long-tailed Tits and Stock Doves but I didn’t see any Coal Tits this month.  In fact it’s been a while since I last saw one.

A male Blackbird sitting on a headstone towards the western end of the cemetery
Blackbird (male) (above)
A singing Robin perched on top of a noticeboard in the cemetery

I also heard Chiffchaffs calling from high up in the trees, hidden by the leaves.  I also saw what I think was a Sparrowhawk perched atop the tower of Thoresby Street school but this was just as the sun was setting and it was mostly in silhouette.  Later in the month I got a brief glimpse of a male Blackcap but my most thrilling sighting was of a male Bullfinch one day, and then a couple of days later I saw a male and a female together.  Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to get any photos.


I’ve concentrated on the flowers and insects this month because there was so much variety to be seen.  I also took part in the iNaturalist City Nature Challenge for Hull at the start of the month.  Some of the photos I took for that project are included here.  Each submission to the website/app is called an observation, and I made most of these observations in the Cemetery or on the grass verge. Here’s a link to the results for Hull:


The back of a Squirrel in the cemetery
“I’m behind you” – a Squirrel to end the report!   

Cemetery Wildlife – April 2023


April was generally another cool and wet month, with a higher than average total rainfall meaning the footpaths in the cemetery are still a bit softer than usual.  I noticed a huge amount of growth in and around the cemetery, with flowers blooming everywhere.  However, there were plenty of warmer, sunny days too, and that was how the month ended.  The cemetery wildlife is thriving, and many people have told me and the other volunteers how good everything looks.



I was delighted to see my first Peacock of the year this month (above).  I kept seeing at least one on several of those sunny days.  April also saw my first yearly sightings of Speckled Wood, Small White, Large White, Orange-tip, Holly Blue and Green-veined White.  This makes a total of 11 different species this year, 10 seen on the grass verge alongside the cemetery, one seen inside the cemetery and some seen in both locations. From my own observations over the past three years these are all the species one can expect to see in the cemetery every year. However I have occasionally seen other species, so I’ll keep looking out for them.

A Speckled Wood butterfly on a branch with green leaves on it
Speckled Wood in the Quaker Burial Ground

The differences between Small and Large Whites can sometimes be hard to see at this time of year because the markings on the Spring brood can be quite faint.  The male Small White has one black spot on each upper wing and the female has two.  I’ve noticed that the innermost of those two spots can look like it’s divided into two, but all the reference material I’ve seen regards it as just one spot.

The male Large White has no spots and again the female has two.  Whilst it’s therefore easy to tell male Small and Large Whites apart, it’s harder in the females because both have two spots. The dark band on the edge of the wings is a good indicator of which species you’re looking at.  It doesn’t extend as far along the edge of the Small White’s outer wing as on the Large White, where the band extends further around and is shaped rather like a boomerang.

Cemetery wildlife collage showing a set of 4 photos showing the differences between male and female Small and Large White Butterflies
Small White (top) & Large White (below). Males are on the left & females on the right

Another butterfly where the males and females are different (known as sexual dimorphism) is the Orange-tip.  This is a male – the females lack the orange tips. And when I checked the photo, I saw the tops of his legs are covered in fine hairs, something I hadn’t noticed before.

Orange-tip butterfly (male) on a green leaf
Orange-tip (male)

Sexual dimorphism also occurs in the beautiful little Holly Blue.

Two photos of a Holly Blue Butterfly - one showing the male and the other showing the female
Holly Blue – male (left) & female (right)

It also occurs in the Brimstone.  Those differences are most noticeable when the butterfly is flying, because the males look bright yellow whereas the females are almost white.  At rest, and especially in bright sunshine, it can be hard to tell them apart because both have quite colourful underwings. But generally the female is a pale shade of green and the male is a slightly darker, yellower shade of green.

Two photos showing male and female Brimstone butterflies on Dandelions
Brimstone – male (left) & female (right)

The last species of Butterfly I saw for the first time this year was a Green-veined White.  It was in the central part of the cemetery near the new Larkin commemorative bench. This is another species that shows sexual dimorphism – the males have either one spot or none.

A female Green-veined White butterfly on a leaf in the cemetery.
Green-veined White (female) showing two black spots on each upper wing

I’ve made several wildlife posts on our Facebook page recently and it might therefore seem that the cemetery is teeming with butterflies!  I do usually see at least three different species on each sunny day but usually only in ones and twos.  Nevertheless, it is still a real joy to see them, feeding on all the flowers.  Interestingly I looked back on my report for April last year, and although it had been a much drier month, I’d still managed to see 10 different species of butterfly by then.

Bees and other insects

I’ve seen plenty of Bees of various kinds this month including Red, White and Buff-tailed Bumblebees, Honeybees, Hairy-footed Flower Bees and lots of  Tawny Mining Bees. The first photo shows one that’s emerged from its burrow.  The next photos show one making a burrow underground in which to lay its eggs. This is one of our native species of solitary Bee.

A tawny Mining Bee on a leaf, and a set of photos showing the bee making its burrow in the ground in the cemetery
Tawny Mining Bee

I’ve seen plenty of Bee-flies this month.  Interestingly they’re a parasite of Tawny Mining Bees, laying their eggs in the Bee’s open burrow so that when they hatch the larvae can feed on the bee’s food and offspring.

A Bee-fly in mid flight

I’ve also seen Wasps, Hoverflies, flies and lots of other very small insects. I also caught a brief glimpse of a Hummingbird Hawk-moth on two occasions this month, the first one I’ve ever seen in the Cemetery! It’s a day-flying month and although this is a migrant species, we also have several native species of day-flying moths.  It’s a fact that in the UK there are more species of day-flying moths than there are species of butterfly!

I also saw lots of Ladybirds this month.  Most of them were our native Seven-spot ones but I also saw some non-native Harlequins.

Two photos of Ladybirds - one on a leaf and the others on a daffodil
Ladybirds – Seven-spot on a Magpie Feather (left) & Harlequin on a Daffodil (right)

Plants and Flowers 

Smaller ones

March has been an excellent month for wildflowers.  The ones planted by the volunteers on the grass verge last year are now starting to flower, such as this Cowslip.

Cowslips growing in the grass verge alongside the cemetery

Inside the cemetery, especially in the darker shaded areas, Hogweed is now starting to flower.  Note how the buds are a dark pink colour before opening up to reveal their characteristic white flowers.

Two photos showing Hogweed Buds and in full flower in the cemetery

Yellow is still the dominant flower colour in the cemetery.  There are still some Celandines to be seen, especially in the cemetery, but the Dandelions are in full bloom now as you can see from some of the above photos.  I also found this unusual double Dandelion.

A double Dandelion surrounded by Celandines
Dandelion and Celandines

These are all an excellent source of food for the insect branch of the cemetery wildlife.  I also found a small patch of Yellow Archangel, and plenty of Wood Avens and Common Chickweed.

Yellow Archangel growing in the cemetery
Yellow Archangel (above)
The tiny flower of the Wood Avens
Wood Avens (above)
The tiny white flower of the Common Chickweed
Common Chickweed

The Bluebells have now started to flower but their peak time is in May so I’ll talk about them a bit more next month.


When we think of flowers, we usually think of the ones that look like those in my previous photos.  But trees also have flowers although they look quite different in appearance and colour.  During the recent windy weather a lot of the tree flowers had fallen onto the ground, including several clusters of flowers from a Norway Maple.

Fallen Norway Maple flowers resting on top of a headstone in the cemetery
Norway Maple

The flowers of some trees are known as catkins.  The Hornbeam is monoecious, meaning it has male and female catkins on the same tree.  The male catkins are the largest – I’ve marked one of the smaller female ones with an arrow.

The male and female catkins of the Hornbeam tree

You can also see the flowers of the Spotted Laurel on the white butterfly photo – bottom left.


I haven’t seen anything unusual this month.  The regular species are busy gathering nest material and marking out their territories – the Great Tits are particularly loud at the moment.

Another bird with a very distinctive call is the Chiffchaff, which I always hear before I see it, singing from very high up in the trees and from quite early in the morning too.

A Chiffchaff on a branch

Other small birds around in good numbers are Blue Tits, Chaffinches, Robins, Blackbirds and Long-tailed Tits.  I’ve also seen Wrens, Goldfinches, Dunnocks and I also caught a quick glimpse of two Treecreepers.  I haven’t seen any Coal Tits this month though.

Dunnock on a branch

Of the larger birds, I’ve seen Wood Pigeons, Stock Doves, Carrion Crows and Magpies.

Cemetery wildlife - a Magpie on the grassy area in the middle of the cemetery


Not much to report this month, apart from some Jelly Ear growing on an old fallen branch and a bracket of some type growing high up in a tree. The Velvet Shank that I used to see every day has all but disappeared, probably eaten by the cemetery wildlife!

A Jelly fungus growing on a fallen branch - food for the cemetery wildlife
Jelly Ear (above)
A bracket fungus growing on a tree trunk
Bracket fungus


April has been a great month for the cemetery wildlife, with lots of colour and activity to be seen.  I managed to spend plenty of time walking in the cemetery and along the grass verge, especially on sunny days – here’s a collection of some of the photos I took on just one of those morning walks.

A selection of photos of the cemetery wildlife taken in the cemetery one morning

And finally, there’s still time to take part in the City Nature Challenge 2023 – details below – for you to record not just the cemetery wildlife but any you see in your gardens in Hull!



Cemetery Wildlife – March 2023

March got off to a very cold and wet start, with several days of sub-zero temperatures and some sleet and snow showers.  The snow didn’t settle though, and was gone within a few hours of it originally falling.  It didn’t seem to have any adverse effects on the cemetery wildlife though, which was as active as ever.  The birds, including the male Chaffinch pictured above, just seemed to take it in their stride.

It does seem odd to be reporting on snow the month after I wrote about seeing our first butterflies though!  But mid-month saw some mild sunny days and this was enough to tempt the butterflies out again, plus some other delightful little insects.  There were still plenty of showers though, and the month ended on a mild but wet note.


I am always amazed at the beautiful bright colours of our British birds, including this Blue Tit and Robin in the snow.  Whenever I see birds and animals in the snow, I often wonder if they are seeing it for the first time in their short lives, and what they must think of it.

A Blue Tit on a snowy branch in the cemetery
Blue Tit (above)
A Robin on a snowy branch in the cemetery

I regularly see Goldfinches in the cemetery.  These small finches, which are not much larger than a Blue Tit, make soft chirps to each other as they fly.

Goldfinch on a branch in the cemetery

There are several Wrens in the cemetery, but they usually fly past in a blur of light chestnut-coloured feathers and rarely stay still for very long.

Wren perched on a branch

I also saw some small groups of Long-tailed Tits in the cemetery amongst the patches of brambles. They also chirp to each other as they fly – I always hear them before I see them.

I heard my first Chiffchaff of the year in the later part of the month.  Its cheerful and distinctive call is a sure sign that Spring has arrived.  I didn’t manage to get a photo though – they tend to stay very high up in the trees, and don’t remain still for very long.


There has been an explosion of activity and colour in the grass verge alongside the cemetery this month.  The flowers opened and the small branch of the cemetery wildlife came out to feed on the nectar.


I’ve seen more butterflies than last month, including Small Tortoiseshells and Commas on a few occasions.

Comma on Celandines on the grass verge near the cemetery
Comma on Lesser Celandines

I saw my first White butterfly of the year but I only got a quick view.  It could have been either a Small, Large or Green-veined White as they all tend to appear at the same time of the year, usually early April.

I also saw my first Red Admiral of the year just a few days before posting this report.

Red Admiral butterfly on a Dandelion on the cemetery verge
Red Admiral

I also saw my first Brimstones of the year – the first was in the middle of the month and the second was today.  Both were very active males, but this one finally came to rest on a leaf, laying flat against it rather than perching upright.

A male Brimstone Butterfly resting on a dried out leaf
Brimstone (male)

That’s five different species of butterfly I’ve seen this month, although they have not been present in large numbers. This is due to the many cold, dull and rainy days we have had, plus wind too – not ideal for butterflies.

Other Insects

I saw a bug of a type I’d never seen before – a Juniper Shield Bug.  It was on one of the Daffodils that form the main display near the footpath leading from Spring Bank West to Thoresby Street school.  They are a species found mainly in the south of the UK, but they do seem to be spreading further north now.

Juniper Shield Bug on a Daffodil
Juniper Shield Bug

I saw lots of hoverflies and several species of Bee, including many large queens looking for suitable places to start a nest. I also saw some of the smaller species such as Common Carder Bee and this Hairy-footed Flower Bee.

Hairy-footed Flower Bee on a Dandelion
Hairy-footed Flower Bee

I also just managed to get a quick photo of a Tawny Mining Bee before it took off for pastures, or most probably flowers, new.


Common Carder Bee flying away from a Dandelion
 Tawny Mining Bee in flight

I also saw lots of Ladybirds, including our native Seven-spot and some of the non-native Harlequins. I’ve also seen the first Bee-flies of the year, but I’ll talk about them next month.


It doesn’t seem long ago that I was struggling to find any plants that were in flower.  Now there are so many that I don’t have space to include photos of them all.

Cultivated Flowers

Although this report is about the cemetery wildlife, some of the cultivated plants are providing a good source of nectar for the insects and are worthy of a mention.  This Pulmonaria growing in the Quaker Burial Ground is one such source.

Pulmonaria growing in the Quaker Burial Ground - a good source of food for the cemetery wildlife

There are also a few Crocus plants growing in the Cemetery, and lots of different varieties of Daffodil – again, a good source of nectar for the insects.

Purple Crocus in the cemetery
Crocus (above)
Daffodils in the snow, with a headstone in the background

Wild Flowers

We are now starting to see lots of Dandelions in flower.  But the most plentiful of the wildflowers at this time of year is the Lesser Celandine, responsible for much of that explosion of colour I mentioned earlier.  And very resistant to frost and snow.

A Celandine with a light dusting of snow on it
Lesser Celandine

The Snowdrops have almost finished for the year – these were photographed at the beginning of the month.

Snowdrops with a light dusting of snow on them in the cemetery

There are two small clusters of Wood Anemones growing in the grass verge, in the same place as previous years.

Wood Anemone growing in the grass verge near the cemetery
Wood Anemone

There is also some Red Dead-nettle growing in the part of the grass verge nearer to Western Cemetery.

Red Dead-nettle just starting to flower
Red Dead-nettle

Many of the cemetery’s trees are now in flower, some in the form of catkins and some in the form of a more conventional flower shape.  The Blackthorns in the cemetery that only had flowers on them last month now have leaves on them too – that fresh, bright green colour you see at this time of the year.

Blackthorn growing in the cemetery, with leaves and flowers


March has been dominated by cold, wet and windy days but despite these conditions the cemetery wildlife does not seem to have been adversely affected.  The grass verge is a lush green and yellow oasis for the insects, and is simply beautiful just to look at during a walk along Spring Bank West.

Coming Up

Next month sees an exciting nature-related event coming to Hull – The City Nature Challenge 2023, which takes place between 28 April and 1 May.  It’s being run by iNaturalist, the app where you can record your wildlife sightings on to a national database.  Hull is one of 22 UK cities or wider urban areas chosen to take part this year.

Some of you might already have this app on your phones – if so, why not visit the cemetery during this period and record any cemetery wildlife you find there?   If you don’t have the app, why not try it?  It’s free to download onto any mobile device and is really easy to use.  Your observations will help build a picture of what is in our favourite cemetery and who knows – you might find something rare or unusual there!


Cemetery Wildlife – February 2023

The last full month of winter was a very dry one, with hardly any rainfall.  It looks set to be one of the driest on record.  There were a few cold frosty days but February was generally a mild month, with plenty of sunshine and some days with much warmer than normal temperatures.  Despite the lack of rain, green shoots are starting to appear on many of the trees and shrubs and the Spring Bank West verge is showing plenty of new growth.  The rainfall of previous months probably left the ground wet enough to sustain this growth and the cemetery wildlife.

Plants and Flowers

The Celandines I mentioned in my January report are now opening up in good numbers along the Spring Bank West verge.  I’ve also seen plenty of them inside the cemetery.  They provide an important source of food for the smaller branch of the cemetery wildlife, and are featured above.

Another early flowering plant is the Blackthorn.  Every time I walk past a particular one it has more and more flowers open.  The flowers appear before the leaves.

Blackthorn flowers and buds

February is the peak time for Snowdrops in the cemetery, and there are now a few Daffodils starting to open.

Daffodils growing near the workhouse graves area of the cemetery

I saw the above ones inside the cemetery but there are also some open on the grass verge.  There are probably over a dozen different varieties of Daffodils growing in and around the cemetery.  But at the moment there are just the variety pictured above and a few miniature Tete-a-Tete ones to be seen.  The latter were planted by the volunteers a couple of years ago.

I also spotted some tiny purple flowers near one of the headstones.  These are Common Dog-Violets.

Common Dog-Violet
Common Dog-Violet

I also spotted a couple of Dandelions in flower.  It won’t be long before the Forsythia near the main gates is in full bloom because a few flowers have already started to open.

I’m now seeing lots of ripe Ivy berries – great food for the feathered branch of the cemetery wildlife. I’ve seen Wood Pigeons, Blackbirds and Blackcaps eating them.


Ripe Ivy berries - good food for the cemetery wildlife


How nice it is to be writing about insects again!  Those warm, sunny days in mid-February helped the Celandines to flower and the insects to emerge.  The highlight of the month for me was seeing my first Butterfly of the year – this Small Tortoiseshell – well before the end of the month. I’ve included a link at the end of this report for more information about these butterflies.

A Small Tortoiseshell butterfly seen on 21 February
Small Tortoiseshell

But a week before that, one of my fellow volunteers saw a Comma.  It was also on the Spring Bank West verge.

Comma Butterfly seen on the grass verge alongside the cemetery on 15 February

I’m hoping to see a quite a few more different species of butterfly in the coming months.  It will be interesting to see what the new plants set by the volunteers back in November might attract.

I also got a quick glimpse of a Bee – possibly a White-tailed Bumblebee – feeding on Snowdrops. But the most abundant insects were hoverflies and I saw at least three different species. This is a Marmalade hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus).  The ones seen early in the year sometimes have darker markings near the head than the ones seen in summer.

Marmalade Hoverfly on Celandine
Marmalade Hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus)

Not all hoverflies have a common name but they do all have scientific names so I’ll use those as well.

Hoverfly - Syrphus ribesii
Syrphus ribesii (above)
Drone-fly on a Celandine in the cemetery
Drone-fly (Eristalis tenax)

Note how they’re all feeding on Celdandines, proving how essential this lovely little wildflower is to the cemetery wildlife in late winter.  I also saw plenty of Ladybirds, all of which were the native Seven-spot ones.  These are very easy to identify because they have three spots on each side of the outer casing (known as the elytra) and a seventh, larger spot straddling both parts of it at the top near the head.

seven-Spot Ladybird on an Ivy leaf
Seven-Spot Ladybird


The small birds of the cemetery are very active, starting to form pairs and checking out nesting sites, including this pair of Robins. They seem to prefer low shrubs and bushes in the cemetery whereas the Blue Tits tend to use the various nest boxes around the site.

A pair of Robins near one of the graves in the cemetery
Robins (above)
Blue Tit on a branch
Blue tit

I also saw Goldcrests very high up in the trees, Wood Pigeons, Magpies, Stock Doves and Carrion Crows.  I was able to get quite close to this one, but as soon as it saw me looking it was off!

Carrion Crow on one of the paths in the cemetery
Carrion Crow

Two of my fellow volunteers did their RSPB Birdwatch in the cemetery, and saw a Sparrowhawk.  I’ve added this to the cemetery bird list I’m compiling, making it 19 different species now.


Spring is just around the corner. Why not enjoy a stroll around the cemetery while the footpaths are still dry and enjoy the sight of hundreds of Snowdrops carpeting the ground? And don’t forget to look out for the cemetery wildlife too – be sure to look up as well as down though!

Snowdrops after a light shower

Link to more information about Small Tortoiseshell butterflies:-





Cemetery Wildlife – November 2022

What a wet month this has been!  It was still quite mild at the start, but it got colder towards the end and there was even a light frost on at least one of those days.  Despite all the rain the volunteers still managed to set hundreds of wildflower plants in the grass verge along Spring Bank West.  These were provided by the Council and some of the Council officers also helped us to plant them.  This will hopefully help to increase the biodiversity of the cemetery wildlife.  We are all looking forward to seeing the plants growing and flowering next year!


I’ve started this report with a Goldfinch because her bright colours were a welcome sight on a dull, wet day. The difference between the male and female of this species is very subtle – please see link at the end of this report containing more information.

I’ve seen plenty of Blue Tits, Great Tits and Chaffinches in the cemetery.  These seem to be the commonest of the small birds – I see them every day without fail.  Small groups of Chaffinches can often be seen feeding on the ground.  The females are pale brown and at a glance can sometimes look like Sparrows.

Chaffinch in the cemetery


I usually see at least one Robin although there are several of these highly territorial and inquisitive birds around.  I also saw a small flock of Long-tailed Tits calling to each other as they foraged for insects in the trees.

I’m happy to report regular sightings of Coal Tits again.  These are the same size, possibly slightly smaller, than Blue Tits.

A Coal Tit in the cemetery

As you can see it lacks the blue and yellow colours of the Blue Tit and instead has light brown sides. It has a white patch on top of its black head.

Nest Box Survey and Maintenance

Earlier this month we did our annual check of the nest boxes to see which ones had been used.  To qualify as “used” the box had to contain a complete nest.  Many of those nests were tightly packed into the nest boxes – note the slightly squared corners of this one.

One of the nests in the bird nest survey

We found a variety of materials had been used.  The one above seems to have been made from a white man-made material (possibly some sort of stuffing) and the outside of a tennis ball (green material).  But most were made of mainly natural materials such as moss and plant stems.

Nest - natural

We also found a few of the boxes contained unhatched eggs – more than last year.  I wonder if the hot summer weather encouraged the birds to try for a second or even a third brood?  The cold weather would then have arrived before the eggs had time to hatch.  One nest contained a dead chick that hadn’t managed to fledge and another nest contained the skeleton of what appeared to be a chick.  We also found quite a lot of woodlice in the nests.  All the old nests and nest material were removed from the boxes leaving them nice and clear for next year’s inhabitants.

Conclusion of Survey

We checked a total of 51 boxes and found that 31 of them had been used, giving an occupancy rate of 60.78%.  It’s impossible to produce a completely scientific analysis of what constitutes a successful nest box because there are so many different factors involved.  Design of box, size of entrance hole, position in the cemetery such as being near houses, near a road or footpath and so on all have to be considered.

Nevertheless a pattern has emerged over the 3 years we’ve been monitoring the nest boxes.  It seems the boxes in the most central parts of the cemetery were least likely to be used; those near the footpaths had good occupancy rates.  This includes the footpath nearest to Spring Bank West. This was a surprise considering how busy that road can often be. We also have a total of 13 boxes that have been used every year.  But it does seem that we now have more than enough boxes for the existing bird population.

And the inhabitants of the boxes?  Mainly Blue Tits, Great Tits and possibly Coal Tits.  And Pigeons in the only one of the two Owl boxes we have that had been occupied this year.   The other Owl box had not been used and still contained the nesting material we’d put there (as recommended) in the same condition that we left it in.  Good proof that our boxes are nice and waterproof!

Trees and Plants

There were some lovely colours on the trees in the early and middle parts of the month.

Turkey Oak in the centre of the cemetery

The rain really brought out those colours, especially on the leaves of the Norway Maples.

Norway Maple leaves

There are still plenty of fruits on the Pyracantha and the Holly, and I even found some Brambles still ripening.  But all are great sources of food for the cemetery wildlife to eat.

Brambles ripening on the bush

There were hardly any plants in flower this month.  I did manage to find some Red Campion though.

Red Campion still in flower

I can usually rely on the grass verge along Spring Bank West to provide some flowers, but this month I only found a couple of Dandelions and a bit of Groundsel. The flowers of the Groundsel never open fully – instead they stay compacted in a tubular shape that’s slightly wider at the top.

The tiny yellow flowers of Groundsel

But because we set so many new plants along the grass verge it should look even better than usual next Spring and Summer.  I’ll be able to tell you which have flourished because I’ve been monitoring the verge for a few years now and I know what’s usually there.

Insects and Other Small Creatures

I saw one butterfly right at the start of the month, this female Large White.  She looked a bit faded and her two black spots were only just visible.  The male has no spots.

Female Large White Butterfly

I still keep seeing Ladybirds in various places around the cemetery, and hoverflies and bees feeding on the Ivy flowers. Then I found these on a fallen log a few days ago and wondered what they could be.

The tiny eggs of a slug

It turns out they’re either snail or slug eggs.  I think they’re most likely to be slug eggs because I couldn’t see any shell markings on their insides.  I will keep checking them though, provided they don’t get eaten by the cemetery wildlife!


November has been a good month for mushrooms and fungi, including Velvet Shank and Jelly Ear.  But as usual I haven’t been able to identify all of them for certain. I also noticed some Silverleaf Fungus starting to appear again on the same fallen log as in previous years.

A selection of fungi, some nibbled by the cemetery wildlife


November has been a very wet month but it hasn’t prevented the volunteers from carrying out the jobs we usually do at this time of the year.  This includes placing poppies on the headstones of the war dead.  And for the first time, both of our commemorative bird boxes (one for WW1 and the other for WW2) have been occupied.  But both of them by birds I hasten to add.  It is very rewarding to see human-related objects being used by the cemetery wildlife!

A squirrel on top of the WW2 nest box in the centre of the cemetery

Link to more information on those commemorated on the nest boxes:- https://friendsofhullgeneralcemetery.com/history/war-dead/

Link to information on the differences between male and female Goldfinches:- https://birdfact.com/articles/female-european-goldfinches


Cemetery Wildlife October 2022

October has been a typical mid-Autumn month, with a mixture of rain, cool dull days and warmer than average sunny days.  The cemetery and grass verge are green and healthy, and there are plenty of berries and fungi to provide sustenance for the cemetery wildlife. The Summer drought seems to be a distant memory.

Trees and Shrubs

Many of the trees and shrubs are now bearing fruit.

There is plenty of Pyracantha growing along the back of the grass verge. It looks particularly vibrant at the moment and makes up for the lack of colourful flowers elsewhere.

Pyracantha on edge of cemetery

There are some fruits on one of the Yew trees growing at the front of the grass verge. But these fruits are actually known as arils rather than berries because the seed is not fully enclosed.  Were you to look inside the red casing you would see the seed at the back of it.  My description of them in last month’s report is therefore incorrect!

Yew Berries for the wildlife

I’ve also seen berries on some of the Holly bushes growing in various places inside the cemetery and a few of the bramble bushes still have fruit ripening on them.

The ground is becoming covered in the fruits of many of the cemetery’s trees, including the Lime. This particular one caught my attention because of the large knobbly growths on its trunk. These are known as burrs.  I’ve inserted a link at the end of this report containing more information about what causes them.

Lime tree in the middle part of the cemetery
Lime Tree. The insert shows one of its leaves.

The trees and shrubs are also starting to show some lovely autumnal colours, including this Forsythia growing at the side of the entrance gates.  This is the shrub that provides a glorious array of yellow flowers in the springtime.

Forsythia at the cemetery gates
Forsythia with Greenbottle and Ladybird


I didn’t find many flowers this month. Not the traditional-looking ones anyway.  There is still some Ragwort growing on the grass verge, together with a few Dandelions and some Smooth Sow-thistle.

Ragwort on the grass verge beside the cemetery
Ragwort (above)
Smooth Sow-thistle growing near the cemetery
Smooth Sow-thistle (above)

However, there is an abundance of flowers on the Ivy plants that are growing skywards all around the cemetery.  They provide a great source of food for the insect branch of the cemetery wildlife.  On a sunny day they are abuzz with the sound of Bees and other small insects.

Dronefly on Ivy Flower
Ivy Flower with European Dronefly


There are still plenty of Ladybirds around – native ones as well as Harlequins.  I’m still seeing Hoverflies and I even saw a few Butterflies earlier in the month.

Small White Butterfly (male)
Small White (male) (above)
Speckled Wood Butterfly
Speckled Wood (above)


Remember the one I told you about last month that had fungi growing on it? This is what it looked like a couple of weeks ago!

A shrivelled mushroom with fungi on it in the cemetery

I found a lot of small mushrooms of various types, including these Velvet Shank, some partially eaten by the cemetery wildlife.

Velvet Shank Mushrooms growing on a log in the cemetery
Velvet Shank

Mushrooms can be hard to identify due to their often rapidly changing appearance.  I’ve therefore just summarised what I found this month without giving definitive identifications.  In any case there’s always the danger of giving an identification as an edible one and then it turns out to be poisonous.  However, I would not advocate any form of foraging in the cemetery – it’s only a relatively small site and the fungi should be left for the cemetery wildlife to eat.  Most of these mushrooms are tiny anyway.

A selection of small mushrooms found in and around the cemetery


I have no unusual avian visitors to report this month. I’ve seen just the usual Blackbirds, Robins, Wood Pigeons, Crows and Magpies.  I regularly see Goldfinches and Coal Tits now, plus the occasional Dunnock and Thrush.  But the small birds that seem to be the most abundant are Chaffinches, Blue Tits and Great Tits.  They’ve had a very successful year.

Blue tit
Blue Tit (above)


Great Tit
Great Tit (above)


The cemetery is looking good at the moment and is always an excellent place for a leisurely stroll.  But the month ended on a very wet note with lots of heavy showers and the footpaths are rather waterlogged at the moment.  The best path to walk on at the moment is the southern one – that’s the one that is nearest to Spring Bank West.

And now for a question – do you prefer to see the names of the plants and animals ON the photos or UNDERNEATH them?  I started showing them underneath the photos last month and just wondered what you thought of the change.  I can easily revert back to putting the names on the photos if necessary!

Useful link:-


Cemetery Wildlife – September 2022

The first week of September started well, with a few heavy though not prolonged showers providing some much-needed moisture to sustain the cemetery wildlife.

September contains the first day of Autumn, regardless of what day Autumn begins, be it the 1st (meteorological) or the 23rd (astronomical).  There were already plenty of fallen leaves carpeting the ground at the start of the month – these had already started to fall in August due to the hot dry weather of that month.  This is known as a “False Autumn”, where the trees relinquish their leaves early in order to save water.

Flowers and Plants

That rain arrived not a moment too soon, and the grass verge alongside the cemetery on Spring Bank West is green again. Dandelions have reappeared together with some similar looking but smaller yellow flowers – Autumn Hawkbit and Cats-ear.

Autumn Hawkbit on the grass verge alongside the cemetery
Autumn Hawkbit (above)
Cat's-ear - flower and leaf
Cat’s-ear (above)

The two plants look very similar, but the Hawkbit has red markings under the petals and smooth leaves.  Cat’s-ear has hairy leaves.  The Ragwort is also flowering again, and I found some Hedge Mustard and Wood Avens – both have tiny yellow flowers.

I didn’t find many plants in flower this month.  Most of the ones I found have yellow flowers but I did find some Common Hogweed and Daisies (white flowers) and some Cyclamen.

Cyclamen growing inside the cemetery

I also found some Oxalis on one of the footpaths in the cemetery, but just a few leaves and no flowers.

Oxalis leaves in the cemetery

Lots of the trees and shrubs in the cemetery now have berries on them – a great source of food for the cemetery wildlife.  In the Quaker Burial Ground the Yew trees have produced lots of berries.

Fallen Yew berries
Yew Berries

Walking past there towards Western Cemetery, the Broad-leaved Whitebeam at the end of the path has lots of orange berries on it.

The orange berries of the Whitebeam
Broad-leaved Whitebeam

The naturalised Rose bushes inside the Cemetery have some fruits or hips on them.

Rose hips - perfect for the cemetery wildlife
Rose Hips

The Blackthorn has some berries too, although I only found them as either singles or growing in groups of two or three.

Blackthorn or Sloe Berries in the cemetery
Blackthorn or Sloe Berries

Many of the Bramble plants fruited quite early but there are still some fruits at all stages of ripening on the plants, including some uneaten fruits.  The seeds inside those fruits are still very useful to birds such as Bullfinches.  The Dogwood bushes have plenty of black berries on them – a particular favourite of Wood Pigeons and Blackbirds it seems.


This month I’m going to feature those members of the Corvid family that can be found in the Cemetery, namely Carrion Crows and Magpies.  There are several of each to be seen.  Both make a particularly loud cawing noise, sometimes an indication of a predator lurking nearby.

A Carrion Crow on a branch high up in the cemetery
Carrion Crow (above)
A Magpie in the cemetery
Magpie (above)

The Corvid family also includes Rooks, Ravens and Jays. I’ve never seen any of these in the Cemetery but a couple of Jays have been seen in the adjoining Western Cemetery by a visitor a few months ago.

The usual smaller birds are around in good numbers – Blackbirds, Chaffinches, Goldfinches, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Robins and Wrens.  I also saw a Coal tit – usually I see a couple of them most days but I haven’t seen any for a few weeks, so it was nice to finally see one again.  I also caught brief glimpses of a Blackcap and a Treecreeper.


And now a first for the Cemetery – a Southern Oak Bush-cricket.  These are relatively new arrivals to the UK, the first records being in the south of the country in 2001.  They’re expanding northwards, and this could be one of the most northerly sightings so far.  They’re usually found high up in the tree canopy but also appear in lower shrubs.  This one is a female.

Southern Oak Bush-cricket on a headstone in the cemetery
Southern Oak Bush-cricket

There are still a few Butterflies around – I saw a Red Admiral near the Cholera Monument, and a Small White along the grass verge.  The species I’ve seen most often though is the Speckled Wood, often flying high up in the trees and then coming to rest on the ground.

Speckled Wood inside the cemetery
Speckled Wood

There are still plenty of Ladybirds around, both native and Harlequin.  I found quite a lot on the sunny sides of headstones as well as on the vegetation. This 7-Spot is one of our native species.

7-Spot Ladybird on an Oak leaf in tjee cemetery
7-Spot Ladybird on Turkey Oak Leaf

I’m also still seeing hoverflies, including this Common Banded one.

Common Banded Hoverfly on Autumn Hawkbit
Common Banded Hoverfly on Autumn Hawkbit


I found this interesting mushroom growing on a grave – it’s a type of Bolete.  It started off larger and paler than in the photo and now it’s shrivelled to a much smaller size. Parts have been eaten by the cemetery wildlife too.

A mushroom growing out of a grave in the cemetery
Bolete Mushroom – side and top views

There are quite a number of mushrooms in the cemetery at the moment.  They can be quite difficult to identify accurately as their appearance can change quite quickly.  This one started off smooth on top, and now it has its own fungus on it!

Mushroom with its own fungus in the cemetery
Mushroom with fungus

There are some tiny Inkcaps growing along some of the paths, and jelly-like fungus on some fallen trees.

Inkcap mushroom in the cemetery

Jelly-type fungus on a fallen tree in the cemetery


The only significant rainfall was early in the month. Since then, it has been cool and the footpaths are dry again, making an early Autumn stroll around the cemetery easy.  Do pop in there and look at the cemetery wildlife – you might spot something I haven’t noticed yet!

Robin on a headstone in the cemetery

Link to further information about fungi – 



Cemetery Wildlife – August 2022

The very warm dry weather of the last month continued throughout the first half of August and this included another heatwave.  The temperatures didn’t quite reach the record ones set in July but it was still very hot and dry.  As a result, the grass verge alongside Spring Bank West is looking parched and dry and not ideal for the cemetery wildlife.  I found very few wildflowers growing there as most of the plants have died and no fresh ones have sprouted up to replace them. 


I’m starting this month’s report with fungi for a change, because on the very first day of the month I saw a small group of Hare’s foot Inkcaps (pictured above).  These delicate little beauties last for less than 48 hours, so I was very lucky to catch them when I did.  The ones in the photo have just started to decay, hence their curling up at the edges and starting to turn inky black.  At the bottom of the photo are some new mushrooms just starting to emerge.  This is how they get their name, because these new “buds” are said to resemble a hare’s foot.

I also spotted a much more robust species – the Dryad’s Saddle – earlier in the month.  Its condition has now deteriorated, having been partially eaten by the cemetery wildlife.  But in its prime I watched it releasing some tiny spores, like very faint smoke drifting in the air. This is the underside of one of those deteriorating mushrooms.

Dryad's Saddle mushroom in the centre of the cemetery

Butterflies and Insects

I noticed quite a few dragonflies in the air over various parts of the cemetery and also over the planted areas behind Thoresby Street school.  However they were quite high up and none of them landed so I’m unable to say which species they were.

I saw several white butterflies in flight, and managed to identify at least some of them as Green-veined Whites.  But the commonest and easiest to identify at this time of the year is the Speckled Wood.  I saw several of these throughout the month.

A Speckled Wood Butterfly in the cemetery


I also caught brief glimpses of lots of newly-emerged Holly Blue butterflies this month.  These will most probably be the second brood of the year. They fly quite high in the air, looking for a mate.  Once mated they will then lay their eggs on Ivy flower buds.  I also saw some Bees, Hoverflies and Ladybirds in and around the Cemetery.


I caught a couple of brief glimpses of some Bullfinches – a male and a female – but unfortunately I didn’t manage to get any photos.  But a Goldfinch pair I’ve been watching throughout the month have successfully raised two young.

Adult and juvenile Goldfinch in Hull General Cemetery

A Sparrowhawk was seen by one of the volunteers, and I’ve also heard at least one Tawny Owl calling on a number of occasions.

I’ve seen good numbers of Blue Tits and Great Tits, both adults and fledglings. The most common finch in the Cemetery is the Chaffinch and there are several pairs and youngsters around.  There are always several Robins around, and I’ve seen young of theirs as well.  There are several pairs of Blackbirds in the cemetery, also with fledglings.  It’s been a good year for all these species.

Juvenile Blackbird looking out over the cemetery

Trees and Flowers

Back in March last year the volunteers planted three Silver Birch trees at the eastern end of the cemetery.  I’m pleased to report two of the trees are thriving and have catkins on them. This is a monoecious species, meaning the tree contains both male and female catkins and can therefore produce its own seeds without the need for cross-pollination with another tree.

Silver Birch at the eastern end of the cemetery

The hot dry weather has meant some of the trees have started to lose their leaves earlier than usual.  Some of the medium sized trees are already bearing ripe fruit, such as the Elderberry and Dogwood.  Both these types of berry are an important source of food for the cemetery wildlife, especially the birds.

Dogwood with berries along one of the cemetery's footpaths


As already mentioned, there are hardly any flowers growing on the grass verge other than a few Dandelions.  A few plants inside the cemetery are still flowering, with the Great Willowherb adding a splash of welcome colour in the centre of the cemetery.

Great Willowherb in the centre of the cemetery

I also managed to find a few plants with clusters of small white flowers on them.  They can be difficult to identify, all looking very similar at first glance.  However, one should never assume they are just Cow Parsley, by far the most prolific of the white-flowering plants in and around the Cemetery!  In any case their flowering season ended in July.  This month I found Upright Hedge-parsley, Wild Carrot and Common Hogweed growing in various places.

Upright Hedge-parsley


Wild Carrot

Common Hogweed



August started off hot, dry and sunny with a heatwave in the middle of the month.  Then it got cooler and there were a few days with intermittent rain showers.  The heaviest of the rain fell in the last week but at best it simply left the footpaths rather damp. The Cemetery was not affected by the flooding that other parts of the country suffered.  It’s too early to say whether or not the rainfall was sufficient to enable fresh growth, especially along the grass verge.  The rain was certainly good for the cemetery wildlife though!

Snail on Headstone at the Prim Corner end of the cemetery

Snail and headstone on a rare rainy day!

An interesting article about trees:-


And a useful site for wildflower identification:-



Cemetery Wildlife – July 2022

July has been another dry month, with hardly any rain.  In the middle of the month there were some extremely high temperatures, reaching the mid-30s on some days and breaking the record set in 1990 for the hottest ever day in Hull. Potentially challenging conditions for the cemetery wildlife!


As a result of the hot and dry conditions some of the plants, especially along the grass verge, are not looking very good.  I hope at least some of the new ones the volunteers planted last month will survive, but it has been an uphill struggle trying to keep them watered.  There is no running water supply in this cemetery – the nearest supply is in the adjoining Western Cemetery but at the Chanterlands Avenue end.

Some of the trees are looking slightly autumnal as a result of this weather.

Horse Chestnut


But there is some traditional summer colour in the Quaker Burial Ground, such as the Meadow Cranesbill at the start of this report, and some Crocosmia. I realise this isn’t a wild flower, but it has been there for many years and deserves a mention. Even flowers and shrubs that are not native wild ones still have value to the cemetery wildlife.



An evening walk in the cemetery just before sunset is a great place to cool down and enjoy nature. The birds are still singing including this Song Thrush perched right at the top of its tree.  A regular visitor to the cemetery has seen Tawny Owls and an Owlet on several occasions. It’s very reassuring to know that although the nest box had not been used by the Owls this year, they are still visiting the cemetery.

Song Thrush

Blackbirds are another species that sing loudly in the evening.  Quite often the evening chorus is just as loud and beautiful as the dawn chorus.


There are lots of the smaller birds around, including plenty of fledgelings.  Blue Tits, Great Tits and Robins all have successfully raised their young.  Wood Pigeons are still mating high up in the trees. They nest until October and can have young in the nest a lot longer than the smaller birds because they are not dependent on insects as a food supply.  They make their own type of “milk” in their crop to feed their young.

Wood Pigeon Egg

Other birds seen regularly this month were Goldfinches, Chaffinches, Dunnocks and Stock Doves.


I’ve seen plenty of white butterflies in the cemetery, flying fast and quite low to the ground as they look for suitable places to lay their eggs.  This Large White stopped just long enough to lay a couple of eggs and then she was off in search of other suitable sites to lay the rest of them.

Large White

I also saw a Meadow Brown flying along the grass verge, stopping just long enough for me to confirm what it was.  This is the first time I’ve seen one in this location, but it doesn’t mean this species has never been seen in the cemetery.

I’ve also seen Speckled Woods this month but generally it has been rather quiet for butterflies.


This is a shorter report than usual because the lack of rain has meant less growth of new plants and less species of insect around.  Let’s hope August sees a decent amount of rain to stir the dormant seeds in the ground and produce fresh growth for the late summer cemetery wildlife! Cemetery Wildlife – June 2022

Cemetery Wildlife – June 2022

There has been some fine sunny weather this month.  Whilst not quite hot enough to describe as a heatwave, the temperature did reach over 25 degrees on a few days.  This has left the footpaths and the grass verge very dry as there has not been any significant rainfall this month.  Many of the Spring plants have now stopped flowering, leaving lots of seeds for the cemetery wildlife to eat.


I saw my first Red Admirals of the season in the cemetery.  The one above was in a sunny area near the volunteers’ cabin.  There were also some Speckled Woods around, and I saw a Large White on the Spring Bank West grass verge. Speckled Wood

Large White Male

June can be rather a quiet month for Butterflies.  The ones that emerged earlier in the year will have mated, laid their eggs and then died.  The period between that and the emergence of the next generation from July onwards is known as the ‘’June gap’’.  I’ve certainly found this to be the case, not just in the Cemetery but in other areas as well.

However, there were still plenty of other flying insects around.

White-tailed Bumblebee

I also found an insect I hadn’t seen before – a Plant Bug, which is the size of a Ladybird.  It doesn’t seem to have a specific common name, so I’ve included its scientific name on the photo.  This one is a female – the males are usually a lot darker.  They’re fairly new to this country, being first identified in 1996.

Plant Bug

I also found a different type of Ladybird – this Cream-spot one.  It’s a native British species, identified by its maroon-brown colour and the 14 cream spots on it.

Cream-Spot Ladybird


Some Poppies are now flowering in the grassy area in the centre of the Cemetery. Alongside the Red Campions and Buttercups, they add a nice splash of colour to all the lush greenery.


The cemetery can sometimes look a bit tired at this time of year.  This is because the Spring flowering plants have now started to die back and in particular the Wild Garlic, Cow Parsley and Hogweed.  The grass verge can also look a little tired too.  But other plants have now started to flower such as the Creeping Thistle you can see on the White Butterfly and the Bee photos.  There is also White Clover, Common Mallow and Ragwort growing in this area.

Common Mallow


To give this area a boost, the Council provided the volunteers with a good selection of native wildflowers to set along here and this has now been done.  Due to the lack of rain I’ve had to go back and water them a few times on each of the hotter days.  I hope we get a decent amount of rainfall sooner rather than later!


The birds have been very active this month.  I’ve seen them gathering nesting material and also collecting food for their hungry chicks.  Some of the birds are very vocal too, especially the Song Thrushes, Blackcaps, Wrens and Robins.  An early morning walk is highly recommended – go nice and early and you can often have the whole place to yourself, with just the birds and other cemetery wildlife for company.

The dense foliage on all the trees makes the birds rather difficult to photograph.  They are very much a case of heard but not seen.  Well, maybe just a brief glimpse!

I haven’t seen any unusual birds this month, just the regular Blue Tits, Great Tits, Dunnocks, Blackbirds, Crows, Magpies, Wood Pigeons and Stock Doves in addition to the ones mentioned earlier.  Chaffinches are another common species in the cemetery.

Male Chaffinch


There hasn’t been much to report recently, but I did find a Dryad’s Saddle later on in the month.  It wasn’t as large as some of the specimens I saw last year but it was still a nice surprise to see it.  Note the hole – obviously this is a good source of food for the cemetery wildlife, although I’m not sure which species.

Dryad's Saddle


June has been a warm, dry and sunny month, creating the perfect conditions for the flora and fauna in the cemetery.  The birds are around in good numbers, and I’ve seen some fledglings exploring the world outside their nests.

And finally, it’s nice to see one of the fallen logs being used by creatures that won’t leave any litter scattered around it!


 Cemetery wildlife – May 2022