Next month

.Next month I’m hopeful of having at least two lengthy articles for you. Unpublished anywhere and brand spanking new for your delight. Delight might be a bit over the top but I’m sure you know what I mean.

The first article is about how the Hull General  Cemetery Company was established and why it happened at that particular time. Complete with severed heads and dubious dealings on the part of the Church It could be the basis for a new Hollywood blockbuster. Or not as the case may be. Anyway I hope you find it interesting.

The second article next month  is about a man who worked for the Company. We know a great deal about many of the people who are buried in the Cemetery but not a great deal about the people who buried them. This is an attempt to redress this imbalance just a little.

I’m also going to serialise the ‘Catacombs and Crosses’ part of the third book. I’ve just come across some more information that I didn’t know at the time and therefore it isn’t in that book. So, I thought it might be good to post it here.

Plus any news regarding the Cemetery that comes my way. Any activities by the FOHGC that are fit to print, and, of course, the monthly anniversary post.

Your comments are always welcome. I can’t reply via this website but I always try to reply via email.