New storage unit erected

Storage facility unit at HGC

I was going to title this, ‘HQ for the FOHGC in the HGC’ but I thought better of it. Way too many acronyms! Good news. Our storage unit was erected this week.

Yes, we now have a new storage unit. It will make a good tool storage spot and even a place to shelter from the rain. Some of the volunteers are thinking in terms of cups of tea and biscuits and sitting watching the world go by. As if.

The unit is sited at the Princes Avenue end of the site, very close to ‘Prim Corner’. Backing on to the backyard of a property on Princes Avenue.

The base for the storage unit was laid on the Monday 15th.The foundation was mainly made from hard core and packed earth. It was then topped with paving slabs to give some stability.

Unit erected in record time…. for us

Due to the delivery driver having a puncture the storage unit could not be delivered on Tuesday. However it was delivered on Wednesday and the storage unit was erected by the volunteers in about two hours.

Trellis was erected. It is planned to embellish it with ivy and possibly other climbing plants. The ivy has already been planted. It is hoped that this will eventually camouflage the unit and allow it to ‘blend in.’

Of course, we understand that it may be vulnerable to theft and vandalism. This is something we all sadly have to accept these days. However, we are also optimistic that, with the increased footfall in HGC, the chances of such a  thing happening are diminishing.

Sorry, no lattes

I must stress that any rumours that the volunteers will be serving cream teas from the unit are untrue.  Also wide of the mark is the idea that we are investing in a fancy expresso machine to provide cappuccinos and compete with our neighbours.

No, the volunteers will still be relying heavily on their own flasks. As for cream teas? Well, just look at us. I rest my case.

Volunteers erecting the unit


One thought on “New storage unit erected

  1. Pleased you did not use all these acronyms ‘HQ for the FOHGC in the HGC’ it would have looked and sounded like “Line Of Duty” and the storage unit would have been the new police headquarters. This is a wonderful addition to the cemetery, and I would like to thank everyone for all they are doing, I really do feel guilty not being able to do more.

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