
Last month a meeting took place between the Councillors, a number of Council Officers and the FOHGC. Andrew Wilson, Parks and Open Spaces Manager chaired the meeting This meeting was called to resolve some of the issues that are facing the Hull General Cemetery at this time. Hull City Council request to the FOHGC

Friends of Hull General Cemetery Statement

Following a recent meeting with representatives of Hull City Council (the Council), the Council confirmed that the Friends of Hull General Cemetery (the Friends) are the designated partners of the Council for the management of Hull General Cemetery (the Cemetery).  The Cemetery’s description as a “Semi natural green space incorporating historical assets, located within a conservation area” has been agreed with the Council.

The Friends will liaise with the Council’s Bereavement Services department regarding the care of the monuments and headstones, and will manage and care for the natural environment in accordance with the guidelines set out by the Council’s Open Spaces Development Officer.  The Friends will submit regular ‘Proposed’ plans of the work to be carried out in the Cemetery, such plans having been agreed with the Council.

These plans will take into account the bird nesting season which was established as being from 1 March to 31 July; no major work is to be undertaken during this period.  The Friends will abide by all legal responsibilities under the relevant Acts of Parliament such as the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

The partnership between the Friends and the Council is a two-way one; the Council should advise the Friends of the Council’s proposed activities in the Cemetery such as push tests, grass cutting and tree felling.

The Friends are also working in partnership with the local Quaker group on the restoration and upkeep of the Quaker Burial Ground towards the western end of the Cemetery.